
Topic: Hillary conducted official State business on her private e-mail account — ALL - page 7. (Read 8872 times)

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Video: Hillary In 2000 Saying She Stopped Using Email Over Fears It Could Be Used By Investigators…

Note: Starts at 3:20 mark...

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

State Department technology experts expressed security concerns that then–Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was using a private email service rather than the government’s fortified and monitored system, but those fears fell on deaf ears, a current employee on the department’s cybersecurity team told Al Jazeera America on Tuesday.

The employee, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of losing his job, said it was well known that Clinton’s emails were at greater risk of being hacked, intercepted or monitored, but the warnings were ignored.

“We tried,” the employee said. “We told people in her office that it wasn’t a good idea. They were so uninterested that I doubt the secretary was ever informed.”

... Deliberate actions...

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001


In a bizarre attempt to defend Hillary Clinton from a brewing scandal involving a secret email account, Media Matters founder David Brock appeared dazed and disheveled during a Tuesday appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” Brock is demanding The New York Times retract its Monday bombshell detailing the fact that for four years as Secretary of State Ms. Clinton used only a private email account.

Per his own words, Brock’s argument is based on the Times’ conclusion that by withholding the emails and not archiving them, Clinton might have broke federal law. “The only named source they have to support this allegation — Jason Banks — the highest ranking lawyer in the National Archives, said after the piece was published that no law was broken,” Brock argued. “So the story is wrong. It’s based on a false premise.”

Host Joe Scarborough then read Brock a 2009 federal regulation that requires all federal employees to preserve emails “in the appropriate recordkeeping system.” This is something Clinton did not do until recently, at least until two years after leaving the State Department. Brock appeared to argue that in doing so she did in fact comply. Of course, Brock has no way of knowing that. Because she skirted the law for 6 years, and apparently used her own email server, there is no way to know if she turned over every email.

This appears to violate both the letter and spirit of the law that requires “a system not operated by the agency MUST ensure that “emails outside of the federal system are preserved.” [emphasis mine]

Unbound by facts, Brock added this to his bizarre defense, “The State Department said yesterday that the emails were regularly preserved.” Brock is arguing here that the emails were preserved by … Ms. Clinton.

When reminded that the law requires that the emails be “preserved in the appropriate agency” and not by the individual’s home-brewed server, Brock didn’t appear to grasp what that meant. “It’s not clear that didn’t happen, Joe,” Brock replied. “The New York Times doesn’t establish that at all. In fact, the 2009  law you’re referring to isn’t even cited in the New York Times.”

If I’m interpreting Brock correctly, he is again demanding a New York Times retraction — not because there isn’t a law that Ms. Clinton appears to have broke — but because the Times didn’t publish the law Ms. Clinton appears to have broke.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
"Possibly" breaking rules? Where lies the ambiguity? Either all official correspondence has to be done with official government e-mail addresses, or it doesn't. Which is it?
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Emailgate Disqualifies Hillary Clinton For POTUS

The former secretary of state’s use of a personal account to exclusively conduct government business and to protect her political future in violation of the law ought to disqualify her from the presidency.

‘Witch hunts” sometimes find a witch, and those who dismissed the establishment of the House Benghazi Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., as just another witch hunt are eating their words.

The existence of a personal account that Hillary Clinton used to conduct government business as secretary of state was discovered by the committee and reported by the New York Times.

Clinton’s use of this personal account explains why investigations of the Benghazi terrorist attack — and her culpability in our diplomatic mission’s vulnerability there, the failure to heed warnings and the cover-up afterward — failed to find much email evidence of her direct involvement.

According to the Times, Clinton never used her official government email account at all. What’s more, she used exclusively one set up on the day of her Senate confirmation as secretary of state. This indicates premeditation in an attempt to deceive the American people by someone determined to fulfill her ambition to be the first woman to sit in the Oval Office.

The Times said that Clinton’s aides made no attempt to systematically preserve her emails on government servers as required by the Federal Records Act. Team Hillary is now trying to use the excuse that they thought their government recipients would archive the emails and that was thought to be good enough.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

White House Acknowledges Clinton’s Staff Had Discretion Over Released Emails

No foolin’. Jon Karl asks a simple question: Aren’t public servants supposed to use their official e-mail accounts so that complete records can be kept when they transact state business? HillaryWorld used to think so.

Earnest’s reply: Don’t worry so much about which e-mail account was used. As long as copies of Hillary’s e-mails ended up in the State Department archives, however they ended up there, that’s the important thing. Which is insane for the obvious reason that leaving it to Hillary and her cronies to decide years after the fact which e-mails to turn over means that any correspondence with people outside the State Department will include only those messages that Clinton is comfortable with people seeing. There are lots of good reasons to require government officers to use official accounts — they’re more secure, for starters, which you’d think would matter to someone routinely handling classified information — but the chief reason is simply to keep records as they’re being generated so that the officer can’t withhold and suppress any damaging stuff later. What you’re watching here is the White House press secretary on national television shrugging at what basic accountability requires because, after all, if you can’t trust the Clinton machine to be honest, who can you trust?

Karl asks a good question to follow up. Didn’t anyone at the White House exchange e-mails with Hillary in the course of her four years at State and notice that, gee whiz, she wasn’t writing from an official State Department domain? Earnest’s answer to that is that it’s not illegal to occasionally transact official business from a private account so long as the records are turned over to archivists. Right, says Karl — but all of her business was transacted on a private account. She didn’t even gesture towards compliance with records accountability by having an official State Department account set up for her. This is what I mean with my headline above. If you take this seriously, Earnest’s claiming that it’s no biggie for federal employees at the highest levels to bypass official e-mail accounts entirely so long as they’re willing to produce their e-mails eventually. And in this case, “eventually” meant two years after Hillary left office.

Exit question via Trey Gowdy: Why would Hillary Clinton need multiple private e-mail accounts?

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Yeah, I guess it was hoping too much for you to have an original thought. So in the mind of you others, soliciting money for a charity foundation equals proof she's for sale to foreign governments? Let me know if anything ever develops to support the conspiracy theory. I could always use another valid reason to hate on Clinton.

We both hope too much from each other...


Activity: 2044
Merit: 1115
★★ Fun BTC Casino!
Yeah, I guess it was hoping too much for you to have an original thought. So in the mind of you others, soliciting money for a charity foundation equals proof she's for sale to foreign governments? Let me know if anything ever develops to support the conspiracy theory. I could always use another valid reason to hate on Clinton.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
"Possibly" breaking rules? Where lies the ambiguity? Either all official correspondence has to be done with official government e-mail addresses, or it doesn't. Which is it?

Flashback: Carney in 2011: All Obama Admin Work 'Is Conducted on Work Email Accounts'

So far the focus is solely on hillary. As if she was communicating in a vacuum, replying to herself. Now we also know she used her position for fundraising millions from foreign entities... What kind of promises did she make to those people once she become president?

Oh! I forgot... Private personal emails...

I bolded the conspiracy part  for you since you have trouble keeping straight the parts with merit from the parts where you speculate and confuse your speculation with facts. I'm sure Hillary's fundraising and ties to special interests is vastly more evil than the republicans who will be accepting a billion dollars for the Koch brothers. The part I think is funny is where you think that republicans doing the same thing is somehow different.

Can you also bold the part where it is proven you are a mind reader? Also it was not my conspiracy theory. I was paraphrasing the washington post. I made this clear to you in post #17 as I pre-bolded and pre-highlighted the thought in my mind you would not make the effort to do the research on google yourself. Very predictable. And I am not even a highly trained mind reader...

Post #17:

FUnny indeed.


Activity: 2044
Merit: 1115
★★ Fun BTC Casino!
"Possibly" breaking rules? Where lies the ambiguity? Either all official correspondence has to be done with official government e-mail addresses, or it doesn't. Which is it?

Flashback: Carney in 2011: All Obama Admin Work 'Is Conducted on Work Email Accounts'

So far the focus is solely on hillary. As if she was communicating in a vacuum, replying to herself. Now we also know she used her position for fundraising millions from foreign entities... What kind of promises did she make to those people once she become president?

Oh! I forgot... Private personal emails...

I bolded the conspiracy part  for you since you have trouble keeping straight the parts with merit from the parts where you speculate and confuse your speculation with facts. I'm sure Hillary's fundraising and ties to special interests is vastly more evil than the republicans who will be accepting a billion dollars for the Koch brothers. The part I think is funny is where you think that republicans doing the same thing is somehow different.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

(Wilikon wasn't imaginative enough for that conspiracy theory... Wow! Talking about being sleazy...)

Clinton ran own computer system for her official emails

WASHINGTON (AP) - The computer server that transmitted and received Hillary Rodham Clinton's emails - on a private account she used exclusively for official business when she was secretary of state - traced back to an Internet service registered to her family's home in Chappaqua, New York, according to Internet records reviewed by The Associated Press.

The highly unusual practice of a Cabinet-level official physically running her own email would have given Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, impressive control over limiting access to her message archives. It also would distinguish Clinton's secretive email practices as far more sophisticated than some politicians, including Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin, who were caught conducting official business using free email services operated by Microsoft Corp. and Yahoo Inc.

Most Internet users rely on professional outside companies, such as Google Inc. or their own employers, for the behind-the-scenes complexities of managing their email communications. Government employees generally use servers run by federal agencies where they work.

In most cases, individuals who operate their own email servers are technical experts or users so concerned about issues of privacy and surveillance they take matters into their own hands. It was not immediately clear exactly where Clinton ran that computer system.

Clinton has not described her motivation for using a private email account - [email protected], which traced back to her own private email server registered under an apparent pseudonym - for official State Department business.

Operating her own server would have afforded Clinton additional legal opportunities to block government or private subpoenas in criminal, administrative or civil cases because her lawyers could object in court before being forced to turn over any emails. And since the Secret Service was guarding Clinton's home, an email server there would have been well protected from theft or a physical hacking.

But homemade email servers are generally not as reliable, secure from hackers or protected from fires or floods as those in commercial data centers. Those professional facilities provide monitoring for viruses or hacking attempts, regulated temperatures, off-site backups, generators in case of power outages, fire-suppression systems and redundant communications lines.

A spokesman for Clinton did not respond to requests seeking comment from the AP on Tuesday. Clinton ignored the issue during a speech Tuesday night at the 30th anniversary gala of EMILY's List, which works to elect Democratic women who support abortion rights.

It was unclear whom Clinton hired to set up or maintain her private email server, which the AP traced to a mysterious identity, Eric Hoteham. That name does not appear in public records databases, campaign contribution records or Internet background searches. Hoteham was listed as the customer at Clinton's $1.7 million home on Old House Lane in Chappaqua in records registering the Internet address for her email server since August 2010.

The Hoteham personality also is associated with a separate email server,, and a non-functioning website,, all linked to the same residential Internet account as Mrs. Clinton's email server. The former president's full name is William Jefferson Clinton.

In November 2012, without explanation, Clinton's private email account was reconfigured to use Google's servers as a backup in case her own personal email server failed, according to Internet records. That is significant because Clinton publicly supported Google's accusations in June 2011 that China's government had tried to break into the Google mail accounts of senior U.S. government officials. It was one of the first instances of a major American corporation openly accusing a foreign government of hacking.

Then, in July 2013, five months after she resigned as secretary of state, Clinton's private email server was reconfigured again to use a Denver-based commercial email provider, MX Logic, which is now owned by McAfee Inc., a top Internet security company.

The New York Times reported Monday that Clinton exclusively used a personal email account it did not specify to conduct State Department business. The disclosure raised questions about whether she took actions to preserve copies of her old work-related emails, as required by the Federal Records Act. A Clinton spokesman, Nick Merrill, told the newspaper that Clinton complied with the letter and spirit of the law because her advisers reviewed tens of thousands of pages of her personal emails to decide which ones to turn over to the State Department after the agency asked for them.

In theory but not in practice, Clinton's official emails would be accessible to anyone who requested copies under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act. Under the law, citizens and foreigners can compel the government to turn over copies of federal records for zero or little cost. Since Clinton effectively retained control over emails in her private account even after she resigned in 2013, the government would have to negotiate with Clinton to turn over messages it can't already retrieve from the inboxes of federal employees she emailed.

The AP has waited more than a year under the open records law for the State Department to turn over some emails covering Clinton's tenure as the nation's top diplomat, although the agency has never suggested that it didn't possess all her emails.

Clinton's private email account surfaced publicly in March 2013 after a convicted Romanian hacker known as Guccifer published emails stolen from former White House adviser Sidney Blumenthal. The Internet domain was registered around the time of her secretary of state nomination.

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., chairman of the special House committee investigating the Benghazi attacks, said the committee learned last summer - when agency documents were turned over to the committee - that Clinton had used a private email account while secretary of state. More recently the committee learned that she used private email accounts exclusively and had more than one, Gowdy said.

President Barack Obama signed a bill last year that bans the use of private email accounts by government officials unless they retain copies of messages in their official account or forward copies to their government accounts within 20 days. The bill did not become law until more than one year after Clinton left the State Department.

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Activity: 675
Merit: 500
Hillary Clinton is defending her use of a private email address, hosted at, to conduct official State Department business by claiming that her emails were captured by official accounts that other agency employees were instructed to use to contact her. But according to a knowledgeable source, at least two other top Clinton aides also used private email accounts to conduct government business—placing their official communications outside the scope of federal record-keeping regulations.

She is just ignoring the security aspects of using private email accounts.
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 123
It wouldn't surprise me if Team Hillary concoct some defensive campaign against these revelations via all her allies in the MSM which is sympathetic to wanting a Clinton-Bush showdown. This woman deserves serious jail time, not just for this incident, Benghazi and taking bribes from foreign officials (like her hubby did in Chinagate during his tenure) but for all the dirty shit she and he did back in Arkansas during their crime spree there. People can refuse to believe all the shit they've done but people of integrity and honor don't have these kinds of skeletons that have continued on and on, not to mention all the people that wind up dead around their wrongdoings.

Excellent Litmus test for the USMIIC. Furthermore both the Clintons and bushs are heavy in the GMO take over of the world... will see.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Source: Top Clinton Aides Used Secret Email Accounts at State Dept.

Hillary Clinton is defending her use of a private email address, hosted at, to conduct official State Department business by claiming that her emails were captured by official accounts that other agency employees were instructed to use to contact her. But according to a knowledgeable source, at least two other top Clinton aides also used private email accounts to conduct government business—placing their official communications outside the scope of federal record-keeping regulations.

“Her top staffers used those Clinton email addresses” at the agency, said the source, who has worked with Clinton in the past. The source named two staffers in particular, Philippe Reines and Huma Abedin, who are said to have used private email addresses in the course of their agency duties. Reines served as deputy assistant secretary of state, and Abedin as Clinton’s deputy chief of staff. Both rank among Clinton’s most loyal confidantes, in and out of the State Department.

We were able to independently verify that Abedin used a address at some point in time. There are several email addresses associated with Abedin’s name in records maintained by Lexis-Nexis; one of them is [email protected]. An email sent to that address today went through without bouncing.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Oversight Committee To Join Benghazi Committee In Probing Hillary Emails For Violation Of Federal Law…

A congressional committee will review whether Hillary Clinton violated federal law by using a personal email account to conduct government business as secretary of state, it was announced Tuesday.

House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said his panel will join with the Benghazi committee in reviewing whether Clinton broke any disclosure laws.

“Violations of the Federal Records Act within federal agencies is something we take very seriously,” Chaffetz said.

“The House Oversight Committee will work with (Chairman) Mr. (Trey) Gowdy and the Select Committee on Benghazi to further explore Hillary Clinton’s use of personal emails while at the State Department.”

Clinton, still facing fallout from a 2012 attack on a diplomatic outpost in Libya that killed an ambassador and three security aides, is under fire for the email controversy.

Critics said that by using a personal email address, Clinton may have breached security and broken disclosure laws.

Not only did Clinton send and receive tens of thousands of emails from the unregulated address, she was never during her four-year tenure issued an official government account with which to communicate.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
It wouldn't surprise me if Team Hillary concoct some defensive campaign against these revelations via all her allies in the MSM which is sympathetic to wanting a Clinton-Bush showdown. This woman deserves serious jail time, not just for this incident, Benghazi and taking bribes from foreign officials (like her hubby did in Chinagate during his tenure) but for all the dirty shit she and he did back in Arkansas during their crime spree there. People can refuse to believe all the shit they've done but people of integrity and honor don't have these kinds of skeletons that have continued on and on, not to mention all the people that wind up dead around their wrongdoings.

It is one thing to be a hardcore liberal. The clintons are truly rotten to the core. The liberals should dump her and, if the only thing they have for 2016 is replacing the "you are all racists" with "you are all anti women" with a female president, maybe they should look into warren?

At least she has true native indian blood running down... near her veins...


Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Judicial Watch Statement on Hillary Clinton’s Use of Private Email to Conduct Government Business

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding potential criminal violations of law in Hillary Clinton’s conducting official State Department business using a private email account:

“The latest news that Hillary Clinton, while serving as Secretary of State, conducted all of her official business on a private account may impact nearly a dozen of our Freedom of Information Act lawsuits now active in federal courts as well as dozens of pending FOIA requests.  As with what happened when Judicial Watch forced the disclosure of the ‘missing’ IRS emails, I am convinced that these emails would never have been disclosed but for our FOIA lawsuits that broke open the Benghazi scandal and first exposed the scandal of her and Bill Clinton raising money illicitly while she was Secretary of State.

“We are concerned that the Obama administration may have withheld material information and may have purposely misled and lied to Judicial Watch, as well as at least one federal court about these emails.

“One key concern is that these emails must be immediately secured so that they can be searched in response to our lawful FOIA requests. In addition to violations of the Freedom of Information Act, laws governing the preservation of federal records and the handling of classified information also may be implicated in this latest Clinton scandal.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Well I suppose we can't have an anti-Hillary piece without injecting all kinds of crazy conspiracy theories into it...  Roll Eyes

The Clintons have relied heavily on their close ties to Wall Street, with donations from the financial services sector representing the largest share of corporate donors.

And many of the foundation’s biggest donors are foreigners who are legally barred from giving to U.S. political candidates. A third of foundation donors who have given more than $1 million are foreign governments or other entities based outside the United States, and foreign donors make up more than half of those who have given more than $5 million.

The prevalence of financial institutions, both foreign and domestic, as major donors is likely to stir more unease in the Democratic Party’s liberal base, which is pushing Hillary Clinton to adopt a more populist and less Wall Street-focused economic agenda. The role of interests located in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Argentina may spur questions about the independence of a potential commander in chief who has solicited money from foreign donors with a stake in the actions of the U.S. government.

Not a "crazy conspiracy theory", according to the washington post, a tiny unknown prospectus. My super human, super secret google techniques helped me a lot.

You are welcome...

 Roll Eyes

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