I've been mining CGB through the website and then transferring the resulting coins to my wallet.
Just a quick couple of questions about the Proof of Stake, by receiving the CGB does that mean I've proved I have them in my wallet? and does that then mean the clock starts for the 2% 'interest' - when is that paid eg daily after the 30days have elapsed or yearly? Do I need to keep my wallet open non-stop to ensure the stake is verified?
I read most of this ---> which seemed to talk about coins 'evaporating' for want of a better description if the wallet isn't kept open, am I miss understanding this?
(My apologies if these questions are a little dense, I'm still fairly new to all of this)
No apology necessary. This is not easy stuff to learn for the first timer.
First thing, please encrypt your wallet if you haven't already. Try to choose a long password with a mix of numbers and letters and if necessary save it in a text file which is saved on an external flash drive for safe keeping. Then back up your wallet in an external drive (could be the same drive that holds your text file of your password), by going to File->backup wallet.
So to answer your questions, you start accumulating interest after the coins have stayed in your wallet for 30 days. The clock starts ticking as soon as it's deposited. But in order to collect interest, your wallet need to be running and unlocked. You'll see when you encrypted your wallet that you basically locked your wallet, and you can see the message at the bottom of the wallet saying "Info: Minting suspended due to locked wallet." So what you want to do is go to Help->Debug window and click on the console tab. And then type this in the command line: walletpassphrase *password* 99999
where *password* is obviously replaced with your actual password. The 99999 means your wallet will stay unlocked for 99999 seconds (that's a lot). Note, your wallet stays encrypted so that a password is still necessary to withdraw coins.
Don't hesitate to ask any questions. That's what we're here for.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that if you lose your password then you will lose all your coins! So please have some way to get your password if you forget it.