I like the idea behind CGB, but for marketing purposes (which you yourself have said are important and you will spend a lot of time on) you should really improve your graphical image and presentation.
MEC is a really good role model when it comes to both the design of the website and the qt client in my opinion.
It inspires confidence.
Our attention is on more pressing development matters of the blockchain at the moment. At this point, with the rise in market cap value, we have an intense pressure to deliver on project announcements. I suspect that producing actual innovation to the blockchain will be more marketable and inspire much more confidence than a pretty website. But in time, the website will get a complete face-lift, so to keep things fresh.
On another note, CB's Facebook page hit 5400 likes. And we've seen a nice spike in likes the past couple days, which I assume is related to the price spike in CB. Our marketing slogan, "Multiply the value of your bitcoins with CB", which can be seen at the top of CCN http://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/ is proving to be truth as both CB and BTC have simultaneously risen in value. We're obviously doing something right.
I want to support our supporters and the only way I know how to do that is to code and develop and try to push the envelope and set the standard in open source altcoin innovation.