Next, the miners would get the name of The Red Shield bank... and I would be called Nathan Rothschild
Not to burst your bubble or anything, but the Rothschild's built their name and fortunes by increasing the currency circulation (starting with the Napoleonic Wars), not by hoarding and trading gold (which, sure, had preceded the former). One could even say that this was the only difference between the Smeagols and the Rothschilds.
I am aware of the Red shield and how they got their wealth. They amassed their wealth during the Battle of Waterloo (Jacob funded the French war machine and Nathan the British war machine). They drove investors speculation cause panic in the London stock exchange, thus selling out hearing that the French won when they actually lost. When the chance came, they bought out all the London Stock shares which where worth pennies. The British people were paying their taxes which went to the Red shield private bankers hence how Nathan got more rich by controlling the output of money. That is not currency circulation as you put it, it is total and complete control of how money is produced. This is very different to how miners work who are;
1) Many in numbers
2) Distributed
3) Non organised
4) Non hierarchical
Unlike the banks are:
1) Fewer in numbers
2) Centralised
3) Organised
4) Hierarchical from a cashier to the CEO earning 650 times more than a regular person is
...and 5) Total control of the money flow with hidden taxations and thus increase inflation devaluing fiat currency by producing more debt money; i.e loans.
Miners need to pay for their equipment first by selling bitcoins to recoup losses and then "save" for future uses. Miners also DO NOT FUND WARS like Rothchild's did and make money! Also the Rothchild's family hold more wealth than the US GDP in excess of > $500 trillion. In any anti-capitalist eyes, that is hoarding!
this is exactly the reason bitcoins are gaining traction and will continue to do so.