Why is this being made about me? This is about DHS busting trademark infringers and claiming that they could fund terrorism as the excuse.
Counterfeit items are a danger in and of themselves. They are often made without industry regulations (because the manufactureres are illegal in the first place). The DHS handled the situation because the operation behind the counterfeit items may have also been a terrorist organization. What exactly is your problem with any of that?
I could dispute this a great deal. But following on your logic, what about Federal Reserve Notes? If you follow their history from their first issuance in 1913 through today, they cannot be called anything BUT counterfeit. Originally, they were a warehouse receipt. Then through quasi-legal subterfuge and outright theft in 1937, they were made to be promissory notes. Then the original intent was sacrificed on the altar of the great god Keynes. Now they are LITERALLY worth less than the special paper they are printed on.
They are made without industry regulations (because the manufacturers are illegal in the first place{No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility.}).
What I NEVER see pointed out in these threads, even by people on my side of the argument, is something that should be trumpeted from the rooftops. DHS and KGB have the same meaning, and the same function. There was never any purpose behind DHS EXCEPT to spy on and control the subjects of the Empire. If they are involved, it's dirty. Period. These are people who view honesty and integrity as swear words.
I have lived in the Empire for 44 years. In my youth it was a relatively pleasant and relatively free place. Now, in just a couple of decades, it has turned into something beyond the Checka's wildest dreams. Hitler would be jealous and Mussolini proud.