
Topic: homosexuality is unnatural nonsense from america - page 4. (Read 1189 times)

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
even a lesbian can breed. she doesnt need to love, desire men to get pregnant
But if everyone were homosexual, never interacting with the opposite sex, ....... mass extinction

my statement still stands.
even lesbians want kids. doesnt mean they have to love a man to have kids
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
there is proof that 'lord of the rings' was written. backed up by movies and the amount of people that read the first edition. over the next 2000 years there can be a trail that links back to the first edition.
this does not mean the lord of the rings was a documentary
But you don't know this. Only time will tell if the earth even lasts 2000 more years. But if it does, nobody knows that any book other than the Bible will last. Or do you have a crystal ball?

take things like adam and even. who bore witness to adam an eve.
who was the cameraman or the writer, who was the narator
they were alone after all. maybe it was a banana they ate. and then when later finding their cousins. they told their cousins to not eat the apple and so the cousins ate banana's instead. falling into adam and eves trick

who was also there to prove what had actually happened. no one
it was just stories
Adam and Eve and their family were all witnesses to each other. Btw, they probably ate bananas back then.

So you think that witnesses in the early American court systems were real. You think that witnesses for some science fiction book are real. But you don't believe the witnesses for the greatest book of all time - the Bible - were real. Sounds like you have a false religion going for yourself.

infact nothing was written at the time estimated of the adam and eve story origins. it was just camp fire stories. said purely to motivate peoples imaginations to sway their moral compass in a certain direction
But you weren't there. So how do you know? Jewish tradition suggests that Adam's language was very similar to Ancient Hebrew. Ancient Hebrew and Ancient Phoenician just about sprang up together. Both go back farther than we have records to show us their beginnings.

how do you scare someone into doing something. give them an enemy they cant see or touch and then appeal to someones morals to not do something to avoid harm because there was no way to defend yourself if harm was done
But that isn't what God does. God proves what He orders. God caused Ancient Israel to fall in battle to foreign nations. Then, when they obeyed Him, He raised them back to strength. God did this as many times as they forsook Him. Finally He destroyed them in their fall to Babylon, and again to the Romans in 70 A.D. They disobeyed God, and God doesn't threaten without carrying out.

take later stories where its said moses walked up a mountain alone and spoke to a burning bush.
who witnessed it?
did he really talk t a burning bush. or was he just up such a high altitude that the lack of oxygen was affecting his mind and the only companion he had was a fire he lit himself and was trying to talk to himself to distract himself from the cold and insanity
or did he just walk up a mountain to chissel his own rules into stones and pretend its not his rules but rules coming from a more elitist entity that cannot be questioned, seen or heard. that way he cant be thought of as a dictator but as just a messenger and the dictator is someone/thing else
You forget the part about the people witnessing God's power through Moses. If Moses wasn't powerful way beyond any mortal man, Israel would have perished just like Ancient Babylon perished because Nebuchadnezzar wasn't really strong. But the strength of Moses was part of what kept him alive in the minds of Israel and other nations, and does so up to today.

imagine it happening now. if trump went on vacation and said he came out of the mountains and is now a prophet and here are new rules to follow. do you think the senate and citizens would just follow. or vote that he needs a psych exam
You are seeing the beginnings of Trump's strength. The start was when he was the underdog, and yet he was elected. The impeachment will never go through. Trump has strength in the Senate.

most scripture was wrote by particular people with particular aspirations of their own. its far easier to presume they wrote stuff to benefit themselves rather than write a factual documentary
If you think that, you don't know much about the Bible.

any way
homosexuality existed pre christ stories and it was tolerated.
it wasnt until there were people getting disease and suffering that something needed to be done.
so medicine could not cure it or manage it so the only option was to abolish the risky activity that lead to HIV spreading

well now HIV spreading is not some epidemic of apocolyptical distinction level risk. its now manageable preventable without having to outlaw all activity. so it has become tolerable again.
and religion has changed to tolerate it

The only reason homosexuality is tolerated is, Jesus took the punishment for all sin. Why did He do this? So that all people could be given a chance to be saved.

God does not want sin to exist. He will destroy the universe just to get rid of sin. His whole idea in allowing the universe to remain is so that people have a chance to be saved. But there will be an end. God is not allowing the universe to remain just to allow sin to remain. He's allowing it to save as many people as are willing to be saved.

full member
Activity: 414
Merit: 182
If it weren't for heterosexuals, homosexuals would not exist.  Inability to breed would cause extinction.

even a lesbian can breed. she doesnt need to love, desire men to get pregnant

nature itself proves many times that reproduction does not require love, attraction and desire

even human nature shows it
women forced into arranged marriages, men who rape/one night stand with women
women gold diggers who just get pregnant for the child support cheques

Eh. You missed the point.  Or the joke. 

I don't care who sticks what where or licks what.  Have fun. Enjoy.

But if everyone were homosexual, never interacting with the opposite sex, ....... mass extinction
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
there is proof that 'lord of the rings' was written. backed up by movies and the amount of people that read the first edition. over the next 2000 years there can be a trail that links back to the first edition.
this does not mean the lord of the rings was a documentary

take things like adam and even. who bore witness to adam an eve.
who was the cameraman or the writer, who was the narator
they were alone after all. maybe it was a banana they ate. and then when later finding their cousins. they told their cousins to not eat the apple and so the cousins ate banana's instead. falling into adam and eves trick

who was also there to prove what had actually happened. no one
it was just stories

infact nothing was written at the time estimated of the adam and eve story origins. it was just camp fire stories. said purely to motivate peoples imaginations to sway their moral compass in a certain direction

how do you scare someone into doing something. give them an enemy they cant see or touch and then appeal to someones morals to not do something to avoid harm because there was no way to defend yourself if harm was done

take later stories where its said moses walked up a mountain alone and spoke to a burning bush.
who witnessed it?
did he really talk t a burning bush. or was he just up such a high altitude that the lack of oxygen was affecting his mind and the only companion he had was a fire he lit himself and was trying to talk to himself to distract himself from the cold and insanity
or did he just walk up a mountain to chissel his own rules into stones and pretend its not his rules but rules coming from a more elitist entity that cannot be questioned, seen or heard. that way he cant be thought of as a dictator but as just a messenger and the dictator is someone/thing else

imagine it happening now. if trump went on vacation and said he came out of the mountains and is now a prophet and here are new rules to follow. do you think the senate and citizens would just follow. or vote that he needs a psych exam

most scripture was wrote by particular people with particular aspirations of their own. its far easier to presume they wrote stuff to benefit themselves rather than write a factual documentary

any way
homosexuality existed pre christ stories and it was tolerated.
it wasnt until there were people getting disease and suffering that something needed to be done.
so medicine could not cure it or manage it so the only option was to abolish the risky activity that lead to HIV spreading

well now HIV spreading is not some epidemic of apocolyptical distinction level risk. its now manageable preventable without having to outlaw all activity. so it has become tolerable again.
and religion has changed to tolerate it
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
the bible does not prove anything about god, adam or eve.

there was no one to write a documentary account in the early stages of evolution
the bible is only a couple millenia old and is just a book of campfire stories told to sway people into how to act and not act

however before the bible there there were life and laws. and other books and other religions.

Well, yes and no. Consider recorded court case from, say, 1800 to 1810. Are they the truth or not? Is what is written in those court cases true, or is it false? Did it happen, or didn't it? Was there proof or wasn't there?

Nobody is alive from back then. All that we have is a system of credibility. Certainly we are a bit more advanced in forensics, but they had real proof in many cases way back then. The funny thing about it is, we have to trust almost 100 percent of those case writings, because there is no way to go back and apply better forensics.

You could say, "Naw. Those cases never happened. Somebody just wrote down a bunch of fiction stories."

The answer is that we have a flow that goes back several decades, where we have living judges, juries, prosecutors and defendants, who are still alive, who can attest to the fact that several recent decades of court cases really happened. We have proof available that we can examine today, and we have the witnesses who will attest to the fact that those cases are real, if necessary.

There is no reason to doubt that the flow of archives all over the country are lies about what happened back in 1800 to 1810. Rather, the flow indicates that those things were factual, and some of the facts adjudicated in those cases are visible today.

So, what about the Bible record? Is it true, or is it fiction? Well, we have several things to consider to determine if the Bible is true.

There is the nation of Israel. Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. For the following almost 1800 years, the descendants of Israel remained a solid group, even though they didn't have a nation. Then around 1948 or 1949, they became a nation again. Since they were so strong within their group, that they could become a nation again, their national solidity is something that is firmly ingrained. What other nation has done this, or has it been done for?

This point is that there is an almost magical, and truly powerful, something to do with the nation of Israel.

The are the Dead Sea Scrolls. Most of the Dead Sea Scrolls were written before Christ... before the year zero. They had no printing presses, computers, memory tapes, etc., back then, up until just before the time of Martin Luther. Everything had to be copied by hand. But even after the printing press, much of the Bible was still copied by hand.

Some of the Dead Sea Scrolls go back to 400 B.C. This makes them to have been written some 1900 years before they were printed with the first printing press. Up until the printing press (and after, actually) these hand copies show that they were done so meticulously that 400 B.C. to the present are almost exactly the same... barring minor changes in the style of the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek lettering.

This point is that we have proof that over 1900 years the Bible didn't change. When you add to this point the previous point of the solidity of Israel, there is no reason to doubt that the books of the Bible exist almost exactly as they were at the time each of them was written. So, we have reliable witness records in the Bible.

Next is the reason why there is such strength and solidity in the ancient copies of the Bible writing. The answer is in the Bible record of Moses. Besides the fact that God gave Israel the power to maintain the Bible, there was power in Moses. Moses did miracles. Moses talked to God face to face. The record of it is in the Bible. If it were lies, it would not have been recorded by the people of Israel, because without Moses, the Bible wouldn't have been written.

This point is that Moses was a powerful guy... so powerful that the people of Israel obeyed him, and what is written in the Bible is truth. But the Moses power doesn't stop here.

Moses was a prince of Egypt. He had access to the records that were housed in the archives of Egypt over 3500 years ago... records long gone, today. He had the clear records of the people from the time of the beginning. God showed him which of these to include in the writings which are the first 5 books of our current Bible.

This point is that Moses placed the basic history of the earth into the books of the Bible that he wrote. The previous points show why it is the truth.

Look at all the ancient copies and fragments of copies of the Bible that exist... thousands. Then compare this with the number of ancient copies of Aristotle's or Socrates' or Plato's writings, etc. If there wasn't power in the Bible, there would be far fewer ancient copies... more in the range of the few number of copies of other ancient religions.

This point shows that there is power in the Bible. And you can see it further when you come to realize that the laws of the USA are built on the format of freedom, especially of religion, that abounded in the States when the nation was set up. The "structure" of the formation of The United States of America was based on the Bible, and essentially screams Christianity even though it doesn't always say it literally. Go look at the Christian monuments around Washington D.C.

I could go farther, but this is enough. If you are serious about the strength of the Bible and Christianity, look deeply into these things.

God is real, and He is testifying about Himself in the Bible.

BTW, the Septuagint and Josephus both claim that the earth is about 7500 years old, since God created it.

If the court records from 1800 to 1810 are true, so is the Bible.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
If it weren't for heterosexuals, homosexuals would not exist.  Inability to breed would cause extinction.

even a lesbian can breed. she doesnt need to love, desire men to get pregnant

nature itself proves many times that reproduction does not require love, attraction and desire

even human nature shows it
women forced into arranged marriages, men who rape/one night stand with women
women gold diggers who just get pregnant for the child support cheques
full member
Activity: 414
Merit: 182
If it weren't for heterosexuals, homosexuals would not exist.  Inability to breed would cause extinction.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
the bible does not prove anything about god, adam or eve.

there was no one to write a documentary account in the early stages of evolution
the bible is only a couple millenia old and is just a book of campfire stories told to sway people into how to act and not act

however before the bible there there were life and laws. and other books and other religions.

its like someone writing lord of the rings today. writing a story that people should not give into the temptation of power of a ring
in 2000 years people might end up thinking the lord of the rings was a 2000yo documentary and start using it as their moral compass, or abuse it to have an opinion to repress others

law and religion are the same thing. words wrote and used to make people change their ways as a large majority believe its the accepted way to live

however things change. new ways to cope in new situations happen. the ability to live without spreading disease gets better meaning the laws and religions repressing spreading of disease become worthless

religions become tolerant and laws get ammended
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

some american evangelics and other anti homosexuality people claim it is unnatural,

homosexuality can be a threat to the sustainability and the regenerativity of a society as it reduces the amount of reproductive individual, neverthlesse it can doesnt mean it does.

homosexualts can on the other hand support the raisement of the offspring of others into adult age.

meaning if all would be heterosexual and 1 quarter of children dies before age 5, it would be ok that 1 quarter would be homosexual and support the survivability of the offspring

next to homosexuality there is also gender neutrality.

but most importantly nature has clear homosexual features,

bee and ant states are almost 100% lesbian(feminist homosexuality).

termite states are almost 100% gender neutral.

so american evangelics, if you don't understand nature. or feel threatened by homosexuals, dont talk trash about nature.

comming from someone who was also once homophobic, but out of scientific truth is completely aware that it is kind of natural.


Sin is unnatural. When Satan deceived the woman, and she and the man ate the forbidden fruit, sin entered the world.

Bible tells us that homosexuality is against God, and against what is right. Homosexuality is sin.

Jesus came and lived a righteous life. Then He took the punishment for all sin when He died on the cross. Then he arose from death to prove His strength to overcome death.

God will destroy the world (and the universe) because of the sin therein, so that sin is destroyed. Anybody who wants to continue to sin homosexually (or other ways) is proving that he wants to go with the destruction of the world that is coming.

Jesus offers a way out. Believing it, and proving such faith by actions (turning away from homosexuality and other sins), is the way people access eternal life, and future perfection in the new universe that is coming.

Everyone makes mistakes. Nature shows it by homosexuality and other evils (like animals that kill people and each other). Even saved people sin because of weakness. It's the faith in Jesus-salvation that saves, and the faith is backed up by the faithful people attempting to stop sinning, even though they fail miserably at times.

We can judge the faith of others. But we will often be wrong in our judgment. The important part is that we judge ourselves - believe in Jesus and His salvation, and then prove our faith to ourselves by our righteousness.

Activity: 2436
Merit: 1104
I'm not against homosexuality as the people who involves in homosexuality does not breed. It's a natural selection in modern world. They really don't deserve to breed offsprings.

trust me, there are a lot of homosexual people who have biological children. and them not deserving to have an offspring is just a bunch of BS.

It's a natural selection in modern world.
yet, there are more homosexual people now and still growing.
Activity: 2296
Merit: 1335
Don't let others control your BTC -> self custody
Homosexuality existed in ancient Greece and Rome. Most of us know of Sappho of Lesbos.
That said, terms like gender neutrality and people who consider themselves "non binary" or whatever else, are mentally ill. I understand sexual attraction between people of the same gender, but I won't and will never understand a man saying that he's not sure what he is and that he's planning to switch between genders in future to check which one fits him best. When you're mentally unstable you shouldn't try to project your lunacies on others and demand them to be respected. I have no respect for pedophiles and I will have no respect for other degenerates like grown men identifying as teenage girls, or whatever.
Activity: 3094
Merit: 1069 - Crypto Casino
I'm not against homosexuality as the people who involves in homosexuality does not breed. It's a natural selection in modern world. They really don't deserve to breed offsprings.
full member
Activity: 1498
Merit: 146
Homosexuality is just the result of hormone syndrome. Tongue
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
yep ancient times allowed homosexuality. then christians (middle east... you know bethlehem, jeruselam and isreal) then decided the HIV epidemic was killing alot an back then they didnt have the medical tech to handle it so just wanted to abolish it.

these days with condoms and other precautions and also modern medical treatments, it has not become the epidemic of ancient times nor the american epidemic of the 1970-80's

so Christianity has began to tolerate it again since the millenium.
hero member
Activity: 1764
Merit: 584
LOL, you really made a thread about this 5 days before Christmas. You're just asking to be harassed by Christians.

My view about this, can't really blame America about it. IIRC it was decriminalized in Europe around Napoleonic times and there were periods were it was tolerated there like in Classical Greece. The Chinese also didn't seem to have made a fuss about it for a long time as long as the person fulfill his duty to society (sire offspring, filial piety, etc.). Same with the Japanese "warrior love" tradition. America is practically a newcomer to gayness.

As for the argument about Nature, different species, different strategies. You mentioned bees but then the females aside from the queen are practically slaves, they're not meant to reproduce anyway. Imagine human society running like that. In the end Nature don't care about the individual.
sr. member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 325
Sorry, you really can't apply human or even mammalian concepts of sexuality to insects.

nature involves everything in nature,

there are also mamals than run states, naked mole rats create feminist states

and if you look back into pre christian history, you will find even more, gay romans, indians, chinese, africans, and also matriachic ruled india.

human body cells also create a state the cells are gender neutral.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Sorry, you really can't apply human or even mammalian concepts of sexuality to insects.
sr. member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 325

some american evangelics and other anti homosexuality people claim it is unnatural,

homosexuality can be a threat to the sustainability and the regenerativity of a society as it reduces the amount of reproductive individual, neverthlesse it can doesnt mean it does.

homosexualts can on the other hand support the raisement of the offspring of others into adult age.

meaning if all would be heterosexual and 1 quarter of children dies before age 5, it would be ok that 1 quarter would be homosexual and support the survivability of the offspring

next to homosexuality there is also gender neutrality.

but most importantly nature has clear homosexual features,

bee and ant states are almost 100% lesbian(feminist homosexuality).

termite states are almost 100% gender neutral.

so american evangelics, if you don't understand nature. or feel threatened by homosexuals, dont talk trash about nature.

comming from someone who was also once homophobic, but out of scientific truth is completely aware that it is kind of natural.

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