Affidavit of Truth:
I never gave him the domain. What I do with the domain is irrelevant. The fact I direct the domain to his server's IP is irrelevant. The relevant fact is the domain is rightfully mine and I never transferred it to him. I do not need to seek arbitration. I am innocent. I care not what this man feels and thinks about my property. He has no say and no claim on it. I am the judge here and the domain is my court.
The ruling: I am innocent.
Because you pointed your domain to his server, he built his intellectual property around it.
Because you have now redirected the domain to a different server, he has to recreate much of his intellectual property and brand name/image.
That makes you a scumbag. You may have followed the letter of the law, but you sure as heck aren't following the spirit of it.
Important to note: he hasn't redirected it to a different site-- yet. To quote him "that's besides the point". The real point is that he claims even he is no longer in control of something he already gave to a group of witnesses. So then the logical conclusion would be to connect that group to the person in control and let them fight it out, no?
There is no doubt in anyone's mind that he gave the domain to us. Who in their right mind would put any work into a website, call it their own etc (on camera even), if it wasn't? The domain was abandoned by him and he saw a use for it. At the time, he was doing what he believed was a good thing for the group. It's just that the group doesn't do anything good for him personally now that he's stormed out all butthurt because we pointed out the flaws in his "woolong device", so this is his one and only avenue of revenge.
It's just pathetic is what it is. He knows the domain is not mine or his-- it's the groups. He also knows what he said, and we have logs, but due to the way skype logs chats I have to wait until someone else wakes up to pull it as I reformatted this PC a while back.
Rebranding won't be impossible, but this is not even about the domain anymore. I've already been advised by the group to just use the domain to forward to a new rebranded one at his expense. It's the only thing that makes any sense now. The real issue here is that he's a scammy fuck and still ignored by the mods and allowed to continue on like this.
When is it going to be okay for baby to get reprimanded for his bad behavior?
I gave the domain to you? So, there's no problem then? It's no longer in my possession in your view, so it's all good?
I'm glad this is settled.