that really sucks as a goal, that sounds more like giving up on life
$80 barely buys a nice dinner around here... i know it may go further in other parts of the world but still... how much would it be? a month's worth of food?
There are plenty of people in the world who don't have a spare dollar in a month, let alone 80 of them. Even places you'd think were pretty together like Ukraine the national monthly wage is only about $300.
If it builds some ambition and inclusiveness then why not?
Pretty much most people need money or could do well with a boost. $80 is not an amazing amount but it is a target and having a target that is reasonable to get is a good thing. You can always increase the target amount as you go. I think 10 bit cents is a good amount for most people to at least have set aside as an investment. That will most likely be worth a fair amount and maybe pay for a nice holiday?