Anyone have any pointers ?
My advice off hand would be don't turn your back on people.
For example keep an eye on the guy on the bus behind you.
Avoid crowded "downtown" areas where wacko's wander around glassy eyed from drugs.
Make eye contact with people to let them know you see them but don't stare too much
Be ready to kick the fucking shit out of some asshole !
You never know when you might have to knock out some fucking goof bitch.
Don't be low hanging fruit !
I had a guy many years ago come at me and i defused the situation.
I absorbed his confrontation and replied back with a calm and balanced response.
I gave the guy a smoke and he sat down and had a chat with me about things.
Had my reaction been aggressive i probably would have been stabbed.
Learn how to handle people pretty much.
This is actually great idea. Could you start a thread for it? OP is just another leftist loon pushing his personal agenda through click-bait title. But thread about self-defense would have a place here. We have members from all over the world and they could share they experience with street violence.
Yes, a fucking loon I am Loony for the truth; I'm sorry if that's inconvenient to your worldview. Añd you would be surprised how many people share my views, at least partially. There might be a whole platform or some shit based around it, I don't know. You would have to get off of Breitbart and the Daily Caller to hear them though.
Your name is Oburkabinladin. I don't have to say anything else
You genuinely seem triggered. Is this a sensitive topic for you? I'm loving it like McDonalds. And yes, that self defense thread would be tits, you should start that for us. I will surely contribute
And Spoetniks contribution to the thread was the most genuine, and the most sane. I presented a talking point for the community to ponder on, y'all put yalls fingers in your ears and tried your best to derail this. I see I hit home, and that's what I like to see. And I also see the mature members of the community. I'm a running fucking joke most days, I'm a laughing type of dude, but I know comedy as deflection when I see it.
And I'm still getting paid for this shit.
I'm here all night folks
I am not triggered, I couldnt care less about another "unique snowflake", who feels threatened by political opposition. Especially, in the United States, half a planet away from my household.
I responded to Spoetnik, who actually made a post worth a reading, about topic, that is important for a lot of folk around the world. Not you, snowflake. But a lot of people, who cant take security of their families for granted.