I've started my journey to becoming an insta influencer, here's what I've learned m 1st 2 months.
You need 1,000 organic followers or 10k with fake boosting to get $100-300 a month. Some companies will contact you with clothes, or fitness supplements offers, pretty early. Other small accounts will ask how much you charge for shoutouts. A post is $10-50, story $10-50, the link in the bio $10-50, for accounts with 10k followers. They'll usually have a 3 for package.
1million follower plus like memezar, he charges $2k-$5k for promos
Most people buy shoutouts to drive new users, fake user accounts won't give you the same results. It's good for an early boost but keep everything else you do clean, because insta doesn't like fake followers. I never bought fake followers, and they're on 3 of my accounts. Go figure. You can find similar influencers through hashtags.
Instagram algos run all of this. Don't use bad language in memes, description or hashtags. Stay away from violence, or major taboos. They catch even your meme wording. If you're crypto related, be 10x more cautious. They hate us.
Don't add tons of people, they dislike that too. I still do it on one of my instas.
Post 2-5 times a day, more will get you blacked marked. Leave 3 hours in between each.
Don't reuse hashtags too often. I mix it up because they were getting me on that too.
https://www.instagram.com/btcmemenerd/https://www.instagram.com/cryptoknowitall/https://www.instagram.com/bitcoinmemes_/These are my 3 memesta's, They're 1-2 months and always have black marks. My content is a little like poking the bear. I get it. But it happens everywhere for many of us crypto marketers. Facebook/IG denied my first 10 ads. I had to write them emails explaining how I'm only making memes, just econ jokes. I don't take money, except on my DEX, there's small fees I get but they're under 0.50%. All that
They deny me on pinterest a lot too. Say my picture quality's too low, my editorial is low quality, or my business practices aren't allowed. Sometimes I win an appeal, sometimes I don't, maybe 50/50 on IG.
IG ads can be cheap, $1/day for a day, etc. Most might like your pic, maybe 10-20% of your audience, but very few follows. $10-25, might get you 1-6 followers.
Most people use IG to build the following, then sell them on facebook. I plan on building them all up, so I can sell them everywhere.
Best part for me on IG, how easy they connect to all other social medias. My IG posts directly to my pinterest, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter (that one's not the best option to post with)
Pinterest gets great click rates for me, they're very relaxed on posting compared to other places too. I haven't advertised on Tumblr, Twitter, Telegram, or Reddit, yet.
Most people think they'll get 1k followers in a month, 10k in 2-3 months. They give up usually, after a week, to a couple months.
I see more growth and the work is too easy, so I never feel discouraged, plus I have many other projects going at once. Good luck