If you realize that you lose a lot in gambling (time, money, friends/family) I think it will be effective, the only downside of that is when you don't find anyone to hold on to while quitting you would just go back to gambling as if you are in " self pity "... Working on day job is most effective to quit gambling... You could quit immediately in gambling if you really wanted to with no excuses and start working...
Well people are not going to stop as long as they have money to gamble in their pocket and banks accounts. But I think the best way to quit gambling for your good is to make yourself bankrupt. So that you are going to see how money is very valuable if you don't have money anymore and you lose it with gambling. Maybe that will teach you a lesson.
That's too much... Draining your funds because of gambling and I don't think that you need to reach that point, by just basing on other peoples wreck life, broken family and broken life, that's enough... That is why it good to quit earlier and focus on money making since it is usually the main reason why we gamble...