Dear Bountymanagers
When looking at translated ANN threads and Bounty threads on our Japanese local section, I find many threads translated by Bounty participants who is not native speakers obviously, and their Japanese is terrible. Every time I see those threads, I feel uncomfortable thinking that spammers are making money with this jobs. They are probably translating using like Google Translator, so there are many things in common that native Japanese never translate like that. So I will share it to reveal whether they are a native speaker or not. I think it will help to find spammers who pretending to be translators of native speakers. These are examples of incorrect translations.
When they translate “Telegram” by using the google translator, it will be a "電報". This is wrong. When talking about crypto, Japanese people does not translate Telegram as "電報". So it is a sign of translated by Google translater.
When they translate “Exchange” by using the google translator, it will be a "交換". This is wrong. When talking about crypto, Japanese people does not translate Exchange as "交換". So it is a sign of translated by Google translater.
When you translate “Miner” by using the google translator, it will be a "鉱夫". This is wrong. When talking about crypto, Japanese people does not translate Miner as "鉱夫". So it is a sign of translated by Google translater.
When you translate “Wallet” by using the google translator, it will be a "財布". This is wrong. When talking about crypto, Japanese people does not translate Wallet as "財布". So it is a sign of translated by Google translater.
When you translate “Whitepaper” by using the google translator, it will be a "白書". This is wrong. When talking about crypto, Japanese people does not translate Whitepaper as "白書". So it is a sign of translated by Google translater.
I am happy if this thread can help reduce spammers. Also, the status of other languages can be shared by this thread.