I'm running staking wallet with 3000.00 coins for about one week now. No rewards yet (not even some small satoshi). Do I need to open any firewall ports to make it work or is it "more safe" to keep them closed?
My wallet is synced. My rpc "getstakingstatus" shows as follows:
"generatebitcoins" : true,
"haveconnections" : true,
"blockchainsynced" : true,
"walletunlocked" : true,
"mintablecoins" : false,
"enoughcoins" : true,
"staking status" : false
Why is "staking status" and "mintablecoins" still false? Does it have to do with the block I have started staking and have to wait some more time for first rewards?!
What exactly does rpc-method "getpotentialstake" mean given by saying f.e. "231.01529229"?
Thanks for any help.