Zeeman it sure is 750%. This would be the formula for 11 days: 7.5/365*11=22.6%
Maybe I'm not into this enough to get it. But when I stake Tekcoin I make about 40% each month. To calculate the yearly stake I use:
1000 coins:
after 1 month > 1400 coins.
after 2 months > 1.4 * 1400 = 1960 etc.
What about HyperStake? 22,6% after 11 days, so
aftyer 22 days there is some compounding isn't it??
1000 coins:
after 11 days > 1226
after 22 days > 1.226 * 1226 = 1503
after 33 days > 1.226 * 1503 = 1842,6
This is already 84% after 33 days.
After 12 months this numbers get's way above 750%
Or am I missing something?