
Topic: I feel that the market will not get better. - page 22. (Read 5028 times)

full member
Activity: 476
Merit: 100
We must not think negatively. Lower prices and rising prices. What we face today is common in crypto. Get to know the market and start looking for opportunities for greater opportunities for success.
full member
Activity: 868
Merit: 116
Well, I feel that you are a pessimistic man, of course the market will be better than before especially after few months, because in this period it is very hard that there will be a good surprise ( Big pump ) due to the market is total decline , and I am pretty sure that  this crisis will last  for some period, and it will take few time in order to overcome these problems, but after that it is very certain that the market will back to the rise especially when Bitcoin will reach more than 10K.  
" Hope for good, and you will find it  " .
Activity: 350
Merit: 12
The market of crypto-currency is unpredictable, today it goes down tomorrow it will go up, it is necessary to have patience and wait. For many, this drop is only an opportunity to buy more coins at a low price)
full member
Activity: 1050
Merit: 101
Well cryptocurrency as you have been warned is extremely unpredictable. You ought to be a man of steel to handle all these drastic changes.
It is not a yellow brick road as somebody thought. Entering this market you should leave your emotions behind and take it easy.
And your feelings fears and doubts are one of your enemies.
jr. member
Activity: 672
Merit: 1
It has not been heartwarming for most of 2018 but I really do not think that we should loose our confidence on crypto-currencies. Methinks there is light at the end of the tunnel. Things will normalize, I see that happening
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
It is really a bad news for us but if we lose our confidence it will not help us to persevere with the potentiality of the market to pump. Let just hope for the greener market and it will come soon.
yes, I really agree with you. then we continue to fall and lose confidence, isn't it better if we do more and hope for a bullish coming soon. isn't this universe always presenting what is of concern? let's change our attention to bullish so it will come soon
full member
Activity: 504
Merit: 100
Bitgesell (BGL) Decentralized Cryptocurrency!
I really dont know what to say but after every fall we see eventually rise up and its awesome! keep it cool and we will be okay!
Activity: 54
Merit: 0
Now all market are down.but i still believe the market will have strong recover in the future
Activity: 471
Merit: 10
yes you are right the market condition is currently not good and not conducive, there is a lot of bad news and a lot of traders are panicking to make the price of cryptocurrency fall.
Activity: 115
Merit: 0
The market value of 2018 cryptocurrency has been greatly reduced.And the price of all tokens has been decreasing.It makes everyone lose confidence in it.It will always go bad.

This really what in people mind today most of them are saying that the market will not recover anymore that's the reason why they are now selling the cryptocurrency they are holding because they want to cut possible more losses one the market will continue to decline.
full member
Activity: 406
Merit: 100
In this situation, panic is a bad advisor. I think sooner or later the market will recover. Too many people are involved here.
Activity: 157
Merit: 0
Market is unpredictable everything can happen in an instant, as one of the hodlers and seeing this bear market gives me hopeless about the coins that im holding but i still beleive that everthing happens for a reason
full member
Activity: 165
Merit: 100
OP, go sell your coins and I wish you all the best in some other industry.

I feel the market will get better, it can take 2 years but it will get better.
copper member
Activity: 448
Merit: 14
Of course, it is possible that the market will continue to fall for some time. And of course, prices will continue to decline. For the market, this is a normal situation.
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
It will get better when the world need Cryptocurrency to be the assets when money are vulnerable with political solution in the world.
full member
Activity: 364
Merit: 100
current market conditions are very bad and prices are very low, but we have to keep thinking positively and be patient because I'm sure the market will soon recover and everything will be fine
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
It has always been like that and then te market came back up. Don't worry, it's a wave.
full member
Activity: 272
Merit: 100
The market value of 2018 cryptocurrency has been greatly reduced.And the price of all tokens has been decreasing.It makes everyone lose confidence in it.It will always go bad.
It is unfortunate if the market always decreases and eliminates investor confidence to invest high in the crypto world. but I believe that this will end and the market will grow again in the future
Activity: 299
Merit: 10
Yes. The market is going through really bad days. Everyone is looking forward to the market rebound in August. But it seems that people are very frustrated and impatient. And I think now nobody can say anything. Hope everything will soon rise again.
Activity: 210
Merit: 0
The market value of 2018 cryptocurrency has been greatly reduced.And the price of all tokens has been decreasing.It makes everyone lose confidence in it.It will always go bad.
try to think positively dude. market conditions like this are common in the crypto world and don't need to panic. you just need patience to wait until crypto reaches its peak like last year.
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