Okay well I felt it prudent to list the inconsistent aspects, and despite what some people think based on half-truths or some half story I’ve laid it all here for people to judge for themselves since he feels he can post anything he wants.
I have not read this thread and wont but have heard from other members in regards to it. Asking me things on why this or that which are more questing the nonsense he stated … or this pity card played which is not a good defense against what has transpired.
I have put too much time into gathering the emails weeks ago and then deciding to not say anything at all.. but this red flag and hearing nonsense about my intentions was enough. I don’t care about how this is written, it’s about the points not the commas and sentence structure.
It’s not about what was highlighted in a email that was deserved by his actions. More so his own hindsight is what caused his worry as opposed to the only option I had if common sense and keeping ones word as a man didn’t work? What would you do in my shoes when it should be a lot more if it was you I’m sure ...
I don’t care what he wants to say, he took my data and moved the wallet which belonged to me based on said data. To clarify frankly it wasn't a privkey but a sig method as the fork was left behind and wouldn't occur from the privkey being known.
While it could of been calculated with the shared K or the sig alike, in the least allowed it to be derived from my data reinforced by the fact is the timing; which realistically are higher odds of it being a circumstantial aspect than cracking key out of the blue.
A shared K is 1 in 100billion if not higher, and have not been able to duplicate it again on anything despite running 100m points etc.. More so I am not here for bs and that is all that has been done. Read the emails for yourself. 3 days after the data was issued or the trite excuses and disassociation given.
The issue I had was with the last step and doesn't mean anything more or less than that. When it doesn’t involve you, it’s always easy to try and trivialize matters.
For someone to sit there and want to be absolved in the eyes of the community by spinning this in a manner to where I look like shit, is not right. I came here for help and I have every right to be pissed off or assert legal aspects to what was clear and deliberate fraud conducted against me. I’m not here to extort which only can be assumed by the poor Luis thread; which he created and attempts to paint a narrative which is the opposite from the truth.
Frankly I have had other pundits look into the data and the chain alike, it’s more than clear what occurred. Since the data was mine so was the wallet, don’t believe me then read the emails yourself and remove this flag. It should of been placed on him instead. Why should I have doubted him? when we spoke for as few years let alone was vetted by this forum, granted I never did.
I have been hoping he would have some common sense by now, along with some ethics... as the rationale and excuses he gave me contradicted his own words. So as I was more than clear in my emails to him, and the issuance of data, no one has yet disputed the validity of such, as it cannot be. Also I’ve heard it being dust-attack which is not valid either as the amount of txns needed for a bitseed exposure was not there. More so there are 2 test txns before the main which was testing the sig that was used. also they did not have the private key but generated the signature from the data supplied which could of been done as I outlined or via lattice method. Regardless it was a valid leak which has been validated by a few honest people who also think this is wrong. Besides the flip flopping which he does and the clear theft we can look at the wallet was cashed out for 300btc using a non-otc broker and then someone who said they couldn't afford a 1000 credit card bill went on a island vacation for 3 weeks as expressed in chat with others and proof provided. Yet... the poor guy was so distraught *rolleyes*... yeah I would be too if I just stole from someone and gave such shit excuses, yet says he’s not a theft but made a software to crack wallets. I don’t need to say more than that but for whoever is interested here are the emails and pms, as how they were written. I’ve been asked what is the point to someone doing that, posting what didn’t need to be. Well if you are only telling the parts which make you look like the victim, but overall this is not what an innocent person does.
Again the proprietary data I had was given to him under his rouse a guise of him helping …. Data consisted of 2 RSZ with a shared K and is valid as it came from the public key which can be EC point mapped – its VALID as anything else on the god dam chain.
His handling of the entire matter is less than acceptable and irresponsible which all of his crap is more circumstance and blowing smoke. No attempt to give a timeline or explain his actions if any were taken for my benefit as opposed to his own. I was more than clear in the thread and prior to issuance of the data what the problem was and that R did not need to reflect K ... then all of a sudden, as you can see he falls back on to the trite nonsense when he is shown what wallet it was.
I am not extorting him when he claims to not have moved my claimed wallet. More so if he does have this wallet then it was stolen from me 3 days after I gave him the data period. IF I never issued this data then the wallet would still be sitting there obviously. So any illegimate claim he has is irrevlant. I was nice enough to only ask for a third despite him not doing any real work on it and taking him and whoever he involved into account. No he was not working on this before the data was issued.
This entire nightmare lacks accountability for the purpose of disinformation. So what if he wrote something which people use doesn’t give him the right to steal other people’s stuff. I don’t give a crap if jesus himself wrote his software it doesn’t excuse anything here and only has been to serve himself and his intentions to slander someone he was supposed to help. So how honest is that?
You can spend any R as long as you know the K and this is what I gave to him with the instructions not to move the wallet. The data was not his nor the wallet and have the digital fingerprint going back months let alone this was not data on the public chain but my own which was not issued to anyone
Read ALL the emails yourself or is it going to hurt his feelings this time? download it yourself ...
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/r9c91s2osu3ulqae07mcj/ALBERTO-THE-LAIR-....docx?dl=0&rlkey=mgmjf313le0rjx8xwqw2o47taYou read this bottom up....see what he says and then ask yourself if it makes sense. I was more than clear and had a feeling this would occur hence why I asked for help over the month of October and after having to keep correcting a misunderstood R has to be the same, just wanted it resolved.
Hence my mistake of releasing it to him under his proclamation of wanting to help. No one else had data relevant to this, and it was not public data on the chain for anyone to view. it was generated by me period. The fact it remained dormant until this was released shows more validity than attempting to discredit the data or my legitimate claim ownership of the funds as others have done over the years.
So just to summarize here - I asked for help in this thread which I was more than clear on what was needed. He decided to contact me via PM and wanted to help.. I have included these at the bottom, which you are to read these bottom up….
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5399035.new;topicseen#new - note how he says things and understood what was needed, this was before anything was indicated about which wallet or the information released to him.
so Luis alberto said he would help as outlined above .. then after issuance of the information , trying to distort aspects; went to the common fallacy that R needs to be the same as K ... so I showed him examples on what to do and that isn’t true in this case....
... then I didn’t hear from him for 3-4 days after emailing a few times. OF course he replies after the wallet was moved. I think he had contacted one of his friends perhaps or needed time to do it.
As per a report the wallet was cashed out via a nontraditional OTC broker and done in an illegal manner. The way I would of handled it would of allowed the funds to be legally accepted and had a process for doing so established with my attorney.
Then we have the excuses which were just bullshit since I was more than clear on it all... and why would this worry him or any innocent person? Or is it more his own border line crap that he is involved which should warrant worry in his head.
So the EXCUSES if you want to phrase them as that which were trite … ranged in the following –
1 - "The data I supplied was to a empty wallet" (lie as it was clearly stated) when the data was issued what wallet and pubkey.
2- "I am asking him after the wallet moved and I didn’t mention it" (as if this mattered at all and was clarified) then …
3 - "he thought I was testing him" when I sent him examples of the correct method and example to base it on.
4 - " he didn’t even know my name so why would he move it" and that he "isn’t a theft or a lair" (my name he did know same as here and as if that has any relevancy. As for the not a theft part well that is a matter of perception as I didn’t make a software to crack other people’s ckey.mkeys) then …
5- " he cannot afford a 1000 credit card bill and still is poor" (yet magically goes on a 3 week vacation the next day after its cashed out to some island and returns on the 12 of December. Then tries to imply he wanted to kill himself the day after he returns.) finally culminating in
6- Why would he ask to talk to me on signal and then not answer. He could of called me on the phone, or telegram or replied to the email - this was also a distraction and decided to play stupid or confuse which is relevant over the entire email chain.
7- "there is nothing in this universe that I can do to prove it was him" (which can be read as an admission of guilt taunting me to prove it which I have) then… Overall of this not one shred of empathy or trying to discern what occurred. The data was not public it was safe and wallet would not of moved if I didn’t believe him on the posts prior to the emails.
So these are all very lame attempts at someone defending themselves or for that matter taking responsibility and keeping their word. Not once any responsible reaction for my data, no accountability of time which lapsed, no empathy or real defense as anyone else would do, other than to try and change the focus or disassociate from it all together. Anyone else would be concerned in general and not try to assert blame back on to the person who issued the information. Which was tried in a few ways either by him not understanding it, when he did prior to knowing what wallet address this was or the amount. Then went to incorrect data which is irrelevant in the first place as it was self-generated and valid as I have been told in private by more than one pundit. Prior to giving him anything I was nervous overall and made it a point in my posts asking for help not to elude on which wallet this was until I had the help or had the insight in order to finish the 1% that was left.
So I think it’s clear to anyone upon the issuance of data where he wanted to help, but suddenly was not interested? Yet when asked if he was giving up his answer was no he’s not, then went back to not interested then disappeared for 3 days until the wallet moved, and the excuses described above. ya seem real rock solid to me *roll eyes*
….I was willing to eat some crap so he wouldn’t get all annoyed as he generally does when you go against him or a few too many questions. It’s not as if I didn’t speak to him before this which I had for almost 2 years and was vetted also on this forum which gave a false sense of trust I will have to say. Yet I am flagged for a chopped up bs thread he posts, and pull the pity card without going over all the details on what occurred or led up to this. Aww his mental state, gee must be so messed up after being on vacation for 3 weeks and posting that the day after he returned and claims harassment despite me not emailing him for week leading up the December 12th. – he posts that in public to try and steer the narrative as only a person with guilt would do, there is no other point to doing this kind of thing,.. let alone how did I feel being fucked over?...
I asked for help long enough which no one of merit came forward to assist it on maybe it’s because I didn't mention the amount or what wallet, but sure as hell was before any other nonsense of someone else claiming ownership. Yet I only got discredited for no reason other than a pity card ploy which was to feel sorry for the person who stole it? under the guise of helping no less because he says this or that? It’s more a joke than a valid perception.Dont say his mental health or whatever else either, as he was on vacation for 3 weeks prior the day after it was moved. For someone who said they couldn't afford 1000 credit card bill, I guess he won the lotto to be able to afford that out of the blue which was the day afterwards.. or how about any of the other trite nonsense he says in the emails alike.
I know what occurred and my argument is stronger than his; despite the twisting of it all due to my non-involvement to this point. I had enough of it but clearly he thinks it would make a difference and I guess a few other who felt this flag was justified. He might of not known how to do it, which I point out what to reference, even if so it doesn't remove the fact he had reached out to someone else to get it done. timeline is too close to be ignored with my mental health nonsense, when how the hell did I feel ? after being careful for such a long time and then trusting someone who was vetted on here, acknowledged they could help in posts which are missing mysteriously *roll eyes* and then upon getting the data and me being clear, says I never mentioned the 10k in that address???... give me a break.. Additionally I heard a comment or two trying to assert that he did it with his program? Funny as it doesn't even do the things required for a full shared k sig generation.
Some of you want to take his side fine as no one will ever come forward to back it up anyways publicly that is. However don’t tell me for a moment that I am in the wrong for what I said to him, when it’s not you who is at a loss overall in many ways. I had reasons behind doing this other than greed. Also I do have the option to do more here as anyone else would do and to flag me for talking about involving attorneys is not right either to do. I’m not flying the pity card here but anyone else who had nothing to worry about would not have reacted or behaved like this and if he is that troubled then go see a therapist. Instead what he did not do is show any concern what so ever, defend himself or look into it in any real way; like anyone else would of done when it moved not the opposite.
It’s the lack of and his nonsense replies and now this crap which should be looked at, nothing I said. So again for whatever petty reason that I got this flag was only based on a one sided perceptions which doesn’t hold any merit. BUT when I am asking for help over 45 days THEN moved within a extremely short span, no one even mutters a word?? It’s not right as mods or caretakers of making sure things are fair and just which this was lacking.. I could take it farther and implicate collusion here, as how do I know otherwise due to the lack of interest. Easily could of informed others about it and asked for protection here or whatever. Point being is IF someone would of helped instead of listen to one side of what isn’t even the entire picture then it wouldn’t of occurred. I understand not all methods are discussed on how to do certain "things" but there is a right and a wrong , and so far it’s all god dam biased.
if its anyone who had mental health impacted the assertion should of been to me as I lost the wallet and years of time effort and work put into it. Was there any empathy expressed by anyone let alone him? NO just wanted to whine about a few emails which yes he should take seriously. His own crisis / cause for concern was finding out the press on the wallet after it was moved. This was not supposed to be done by him or anyone else regardless and the point of his involvement was to assist with the last 1% of work. I don’t think I am wrong and I am not a person to withhold an apology if I am, but I don’t see anything more relevant than the results I received by chain analysis or other private services. It’s always easy to try and say its circumstantial occurrences casting doubt, which some want to try and proclaim occurred. Come on now there is something called the burden of proof and it all leans to not anything of the sort.
IF I could do this again to another target I would but so far I have not been able too,.. hence the odds in it occurring in the first place and was not available on any chain. In addition it being btc-e was something which could of been claimed and addressed if it wasn’t moved, as was told not to do more than once. oh but I never told him at all about it? righttttt.....
if he or whoever didn’t take bsa aml kyc dd and other aspects into account hence why i had a process established and planned legally with a lawyer before the move, then it’s their greedy oversight. I’m not an asshole nor do I extort people, and I apologize if I am incorrect also, but there is enough there there , which in legal speak is all I have to say.
I actually had reasons behind this with importance like a wife who need treatments that insurance doesn’t cover but I don’t sit here airing this or that I want to kill myself… such a hard life being on a vacation for 3 weeks and left the day after the 300 btc was processed out via non OTC.
I am not here for the bullshit , nor do I or ever have done anything towards anyone, despite being ripped off in this forum 4 times by members or data stolen from me and used previous as well back in 2018 and to my surprised associated with the group on the data sheet I had put together which is just lols.
Yet when I mention lawyers I get red flagged as if I’m Craig wright or some lame association rather than to see it would be the only option overall. Even they see the same thing I have upon review and wanted to file a action, as there was a deliberate intent to be negligent and overall there is enough there there in legal ease to warrant it. But suddenly my efforts are slandered in here, and not given the help I requested over weeks.
There was a shared K RSZ which needed to be converted into a privkey, and I had issues with that last step. I had looked for weeks for help which was not easy to come by. So alberto said he could help but then after receiving the info became retarded. More so I believe the way this was done is with a signature as opposed to deriving the private key as the forks still present. I’m not some god dam expert here nor do I claim to be, but when I was asking for help as I was I don’t expect to be screwed over on the guise of help. Despite the timing involved in all of this is way too close to be circumstantial and if it indeed was then has higher odds than any other aspect involved with this. Clearly the skills needed for this are somewhat advanced so I was wondering if this is something that could be carried out, no one has yet given a real answer to it.
Playing the other side of the view here a member who contacted me eluded too a dust-attack which I don’t
believe due to the timing of it all and there are 2 test tans before the main move besides the forks being still there as if to leave some crumbs for when I figure it out.
For the members who know me and talk to me, I am not a person who accuses others with no basis to it, more so I can admit when I am wrong and have no ego. However this was not carried out by someone else as people keep saying circumstance, more so his behavior changed after he received the info and the lame excuses trying to disperse and cast blame on some irrevlant item is what guilty parties do.
More so I have been asked what reason or goal is there to take it public like this, trying to absolve himself in the community perception as opposed to giving a shit about the person directly.
I don’t want to spend more time on this defending against, nonsense conjecture and assertions which I’m sure were one sided in his thread Additionally anyone who had a opinion on this or issued the red flag against me without getting the entire story or at the least come to me and ask me about it was narrow minded and short sighted. It figures that they jump on the band wagon when some low life thief twists the narrative but when I’m sitting there asking for help on this MONTHS before they remain silent. This is supposed to be a fair place yet all I see here is complacent towards this type of manipulation and makes me wonder if there is collusion taking place. I won’t bother reading the thread and I won’t tolerate being compared to Craig wright... when this punk took my data and used it claiming to help me ... that is the fact and I will do all I can to make this right something the mods in this forum should do. I had enough of his stupid shit over email which all of you can read and then actually think about it with all the facts not just what someone wants you to see..
His manipulation of this entire thing is pathetic and just adds on top of the bs . He could of called me to discuss things, he could of sent me a email or telegram. I am not hard to look up overall and have no reason to hide. yet none of this was even attempted. it is not circumstantial that it moved 3 days after issuance of my data and was no publicly available and overlaid against what actually occurred further enforces that he is a lying low life theft. He had a responsibility to my data and myself when he accepted to help, and since it was based on my data I had months before and can prove the wallet was mine. or are we going to play favorites here when there are enough examples of this. I do not appreciate the slander or ridicule against me or what had transpired without understanding the entire ordeal. I had decided not to read any of it for a number of reasons however if there is any way to resolve this other than legal action I would be willing to do so .. the burden of proof is not on me here and if he or his friend know this. I frankly will have those funds taken and seized than to allow them to be lost. While mine was 1 in 500 billion on the sig shared K ... to assert he didn’t do it would be greater than cracking a private key on a random guess after getting drunk.
Again his change in demeanor, his lame excuses, his actions and posting in the community, showing no empathy and it occurring 3 days after issuance of the data all show his guilt... more so I spoke to people he went too with it who also confirm things, besides other aspects / mistakes that were made. I even tried to reason with him and always indicated there was enough to share. I never instructed him or whoever to move to the wallet but simply finish the last step I needed so I could of done this a legal way and had my attorneys handle it, which they also have reviewed what occurred and do think it was him. There is enough there there, which means to investigate. For someone who proclaims themselves so poor I guess he won the lotto to take the vacation especially when it was processed cashed out the day afterwards. I don’t know how someone on vacation and I didn’t email for 2 weeks can say he’s being harassed when anyone else would surely be doing that constantly if this occurred to them. This isn’t a child’s game so asserting poor him or anything of the sort is stupid and not applicable. What about me then, it doesn’t absolve him from being liable.
Look I’m not an asshole but I won’t allow this to happen. I would rather it be seized than have some punk try to steal it from me. This isn’t circumstance or anything of the sort.. I can say sorry and admit when I’m wrong, but I won’t stand for childish irrational one line excuses which make no god dam sense. That is all I have to say at the moment about this except a man only has his word in life, and I keep mine as that is all you have in the end when you look back on your life. ... you all can judge it for yourselves.. I do understand mistakes are made but give me a break. I am tired of the denial based on trite assertions of questionable rationales. He has not offered any accountability or answers on the various question posed to him which meet any aspect of accountability for data what was not his to do with as he pleased since he did not create it. The sigs and such are valid there is no way to disprove that more so than his petty prove it was him nonsense.
I am involved with other aspects at the moment personal and professional and now this to occur is unfathomable. I did this to help my wife and others, not for someone to try and steal it and carry it out in such a novice way because they wanted to be greedy than simply be happy they were included in it regardless. Besides all of this I have other facts and reports which correlate to my belief.
IF anything yeah he should be investigated as him his friend took it upon themselves to be stupid on how they moved it and I won’t elude too on how, but also took it upon themselves to discard the word he gave me and what I told him not to do.
I don’t care if he is freaked out, and it’s not by a coincidence in any manner what so ever, 2 weeks later would be that, NOT 72 hours which is just a red flag and someone being greedy … the twisting of my intentions by him is a ploy period.
Look I don’t care if I get banned from here for saying how this really is … more so flagging me for pointing out AML BSA and my right to the wallet , as anyone else has done here or getting lawyers involved should not cause reaction against me.
Mod here are supposed to ensure things are fair and just, and to help people when asked… doesn’t have to be in a public way which I was not going to post. Also anyone else would try and resolve this ordeal where as he has done nothing of the sort.
So he can either resolve this with me as per what I had outlined or lose it all and be investigated. There are no other options. I should not be screwed out of what was mine any way you want to look at it.
I don’t understand how the forum here can essentially not do anything to remedy the nightmare instead of taking a side based on incomplete facts. More so I find it responsible for this partly as the merit and vetting of members implies aspects which should not be done. I have been ripped off countless times on here yet they are never banned despite them doing it to multiple members. crytodeep or sagemethods or even this kid who whines about it afterwards?
So if anyone can show either side of the view with logic then I am all ears but so far in private discussions has been what I already knew. If anyone wants to try and be a Craig wright sure as hell isn’t me and denial with self-guilt or crisis or anything else but empathy shown for it overall, does not absolve someone from it. Need I remind you all. The members who know me told me about the assertions which were taking place.
So how can I be harassing someone when the dates of my emails don’t indicate that, how can I be extorting someone if the data was mine? He says he didn’t move it but then in the same breathe admits fault? or them claiming to not have done it? he wasn’t working on it prior and he didn’t do it on his data but used mine period.
thanks for the flag based on what was a chopped up version of things based on the pity card of someone who is responsible or irresponsible either way doesn’t absolve him from anything. READ THE EMAILS and you know what emails came after the thread ends here. … As he posted them without my consent, .. just another aspect on what a narrasitc low life decides to do to absolve himself …
In the end I don’t want to get anyone in trouble nor do I want to be screwed out of what was mine before him.. I have offered a solution to this which was more than fair for his involvement. If he suggests nothing or continues to be this way, then I will move forward with other options that I have available.
I have wasted enough time catering to others incorrect assertions and being depressed over this nightmare. I was looking for help and NOT for this to become FUBAR and someone claiming to offer help do the opposite instead. He should send me what I asked for and stop trying to pull a conjob over on me otherwise he will end up with nothing.
I was advised to give it a 90 day cool off period.. that has now passed and I don’t want this having to become something larger but it will if he doesn’t do what is expected and continues to play these games.
YES i was the owner of the shared K which was my data hence the wallet was claimed by me and was stolen.. those are the facts., as for what happens next a firm will be taking on the matter....
NOW that you have the entire view... you rethink who is telling the truth here...
![Roll Eyes](https://bitcointalk.org/Smileys/default/rolleyes.gif)
it was a sig method otherwise the fork would of been taken and was based on my data issued to him.. he couldnt even stick to a plausible excuse.