Now, I don't know you guys very well because I'm new here. But Dank had an experience and he felt like sharing. Plus defying gravity is quite a subject. Coming from a scientific background I can tell you with confidence there are still a lot of things to be discover (or to be made public) about gravity. To get straight to the point of mind over matter, there are a bunch of random generators (true random generators) that are being monitored. This is done under the Global Consciousness Project initiated by Institute of Noetic Sciences with Dr. Dean Radin as one of the lead scientists there. To put it short, these true random generators (based on quantum mechanics as opposed to software that mimics true randomness) should not deviate too much out of their norm. But it has been discovered that they do during major world events which (again) they shouldn't. Why do they do that, nobody knows. But it sure raises more questions than answers. And if mind (collective) has an influence over quantum events then why not gravity.
Did Dank levitate? was it C20H25N3O? perhaps an inner ear problem? There are many possibilities, but he sure has a point with his dream (not sure about the donation part - just the other part).
And for the skeptics, it is possible the chair you are sitting on will turn into something else in the next moment. Nothing in physics can stop all the atoms in your chair from reaching their half-life all at the same time in the near future. The chances for this to happen are so small that it's just too hard to articulate how incredibly small they are. But the thing is, even if the chances are small nobody can decide when this can happen. Statistically, with no precedence, your chair could turn into a pile of something else equally in the next second, hour, millennium, 1 trillion years. After it happens once we can say with certainty it won't happen again very shortly but until then you never know
Wasn't sure what you meant by the donation part but I got you, that was written quite a long time ago when I thought we could accumulate the financial resources to make the music festival happen. I've since learned that money will not make this happen, the donations we need for everyone is energy and faith. The only way it can work is if we assemble this concert as a group effort to bring about the change from the minds that seek to manifest this into reality.
Experienced another pulse of energy today as I was waking, not enough to levitate though I could feel my body lighten. This would be the third time I have felt his flight feeling that I have encountered in many dreams over the last couple years.
BTW, had a dream the other night and I levitated and hit my head on the ceiling. Thought it was real but I was having an extremely lucid dreaming experience. I had several dreams and I was able to select them from a tiled view of different dreams, it was quite amazing.
If your mind is capable of making your body fly in dreams, why wouldn't it be capable of doing the same thing in real life? Just cause we're not there yet doesn't mean it won't happen.