I have found a new strategy. Its called the Delayed Parachute and was meant for roulette but i played it and it was quite strong.
Remember roulette has an average house edge of 2.4%, dice has 1% or less.
Its a strategy that scrapes profit, slows down losses, waits it out, and moves forward
, with few big wins along the way.
I played this system manually and did +150 units, and my brain couldn't take it, so if someone could please programme this using dicebot i would be grateful, and will sling a donation your way if i ever get out of the seemingly never ending crytpo-trade im doing atm.
heres it is:
even chance = 2x, 2 rolls maximum, basebet = 1 unit
dozens = 3x, 3 rolls max, bb = previous +1
double street = 6x, 6 max, bb = " 3
corner = 9x , 9 ", bb = " 4
street = 12x 12 ", = " 5
split = 18x 18 ", = " 6
you start at level 1 (even chances).
you roll according to the roll limit, if you hit and you break even or make profit, you restart at even.
if you roll, you hit and dont break even or make profit, then you move onto the next
if you loose the whole level, then you drop back one level, or if on level 1, just restart.
-- but use common sense, from 6x upwards, 1 or 2 units away from profit isn't that bad, is it worth the risk going up a level just for that?
-- i had a variation where i would keep playing and not jumping forward on a no profit hit but kept rolling until i got a streak of losses = to max rolls then moving up a level, or until i hit and was in profit then i would reset (whichever came first) < that made it more of a scavenger strategy, but it worked well)
-- i played switching from high to low each bet, but do what you want.
-- you could change the level betting progression to maybe 2 4 6 8 10 12, martingale 2 4 8 16 32 64, fibonnaci 1, 1, 2 , 3, 5, 8 etc. but that could change its characteristics of a delayed parachute. (i might go back and try the fibonacci)
what if you loose at 18 and want to recover faster, drop back and switch to a different progression?.
Tweak it, if you see a reason to, but only after you have played and have seen the best and worst of the strategy.
And bankroll that can handle the lows + betting patterns that don't break the bank and can make profit = good Money management.
Do what you want, its a good system.