How would one verify an offline wallet, OFFLINE?
not possible, the receiver has to check it online before accepting the bill and transfer the amount away. one possibility could be a trusted third party check the oflline wallet during print out of the bill but then the problem is after print out someone can use the private key and transfer the amount away.
a quick check would be to check if the public adress was used already in the past. if not the bill has the whole amount. EDIT: nonsense, offline wallet has to be loaded therefore it was used already!
The selling point of paper money or coin money is that the value of the token is already established and knowledge that once the token exchanges owners the value of it transfers as well as 100 percent of the control. I do not think that having bitcoin paper money is going to act 100 percent like the precived notion of existing paper or metal monetary tokens.
My thoughts are that we need to revisit the intended use of the paper wallet for everyday transactions.
Bitcoin 2.0 ??
there has to be exist special private keys only for offline wallets. only two transactions are allowed for them. 1. fund it 2. clear it
EDIT: in addition a trusted website check the public key if the offline wallet is funded and print out the bill and seal the bill with "amount approved by bla bla" ore something like that, but the receiver has to check it also if funded, so it is senseless
EDIT2: we need private keys where transactions are not allowed, then you can create a private key with a certain amount. for this you need a authority which you allowed to get a private key with a certain amount and to put a private keys amount to a private key allowed for transactions. but this could be tricky with no authorities!
EDIT3: there may be a need for a trusted third party which prints bills for bitcoins. you send this party your amount via transaction. they print the bill with a private key which is not allowed for transactions and send the bill to you. if you want to convert "papercoins" into bitcoins you have to send the bills to the trusted third party and they will send you the amount via transaction. divide and rule