Dear readers, writers and everyone else,
i have read and answered the e-mails and will speak my prayers for the writers.
When i started this service, i would have really not thought it will be this well receipted. I want to thank everyone again for starting this dialogue with me and for everyone who sent me a letter and i also want to thank everyone who donated.
May God guide us well
- Thomas
Psalm 16:8
I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Hey keep charging for prayers, pretty soon you'll be able to buy a 8m jet and own a mega church.
Dear Varcoe,
i do not charge for anything at all, this is a free service.
A few words about myself, after beeing an atheist for long time, i have learned about religion and God several years now, which finally resulted in truly believing in God,
becoming 100% confident that God exists.
My point of view is there is only one almighty God, no matter what you call him.
My experience is not limited to, but including: reading books, watching documentations, talking with religious people, praying, and so on.
Can you tell why you believe that god exists? You do not hear often that an atheist becomes religious during his life as an adult. I am not trying to insult you in any way, please do not get me wrong.
Dear Aura,
posing questions is elemental and its a good thing to do. Only bad people will try to stop you questioning things. Questioning God and his existence is important aswell, for me it was fundamental. Everyone who is not 100% sure should question God, because if you really search, you will find your answers. And if you can be certain, your faith will be stronger than ever. I will spare to point out how a strong faith can and will enrich your life in every aspect.
Forced faith is worthless.You can not force people to accept God. Show them the door, but its their (and only their!) decision to step through it. Faith alone is good, but faith by beeing convinced is a completely different story. No matter what ever will happen, my faith will never be weakened.
I went from "after death its end, there is nothing more" to "energy can't get lost" to "near death experiences" to scientific research and tests about these things to pantheism (no actually it were much, much more steps but the wall of text here is large enough already).
I always avoided reading religious books like the bible or the quran but after i had already gained so much "puzzle-parts", reading them was like an revelation in many, many aspects as their reading and wording got a deeper meaning.
I think without all the "pre-work" i would have had a vastly different (worse) reading-experience as i would have understood less.
It is the whole sum of information i gained. I was raised with science playing a very important role in almost every aspect of my life so eventually i learned to analyze and understand everything with a scientific approach.
Getting the confidence that God exists was a process i would describe like putting a puzzle together where you don't really know what it will show you as there are too many parts and no reference image. But once you have enough parts, you will be astonished by the beauty of the image you will recognize, even if its still far from beeing complete.
While it is often said that science and believing in God are contrary, i deny that.
There is a quote which sums it up for me pretty well: "“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you”