Thanks again to all writers and donators!
Your prayers will be spoken.
God bless you all!
But in your specific case it might be the easiest option to make some satisfying trades which result in "+" ratings.
I didn't expect from a man or woman of God to suggest to me that I should go and farm trust after I got tagged with red. IMO, when you know somebody who is on DT and you go and trade with them in hopes of receiving positive trust, you are actually trying to farm trust that way. you could see this done by hundreds of people but what can we do right? people are like that no matter what you say.
I am sorry, i dont understand this post fully. What is DT? Daytrader? I am not experienced with daytrading and the trustsystem of this forum. Was my suggestion impractical?
Guys beware, don't tell anyone much of your details, it *might* be some sort of a trick or something. Whenever someone asks for donations through Monero, do make sure that you're not giving out your personal information. Your e-mail address + your name + what you want + etc (maybe he'll ask you more personal questions by talking to you within e-mails) is all of your precious data, don't just distribute it.
I'm not saying that don't use this praying service, I'm just reminding you that some of your data which seems useless to you might not be all that useless.
May Almighty bless us all.
Thumbs up to this cautious fellow forumer! While i can assure you i have no unrighteous intentions i value the idea of keeping the guard up for privacy!
If someone want to make a completely anonymous donation he can always make a new adress so its impossible to track him.
I also value anonymity and privacy.
Because of that, i made a monero donation adress because i am aware some people are not happy with bitcoin beeing trackable.
As i see people prefer this way for donations as i have received some donations in monero already while none in bitcoin.
Of course i also do not ask for any information, everything you tell me is your decision and i will keep it a secret of course.
And please keep in mind there is the option to send me encrypted e-mails. Almost everyone so far wrote me unencrypted e-mails, basically this means everyone can read them.
Awesome! You just make my day!
I'm still in doubt if your post was written seriously or not, but nonetheless congratulations!
Either for your faith, which I respect, or for your imagination!
My post was written in a serious way, my primary intention is to make people think about their relation to God.
I can understand that you believe in 1 only God (That's my faith too).But I can't understand why you don't belong to any religion since the holy books are from God and believing in them as being so is believing in God.I'm Muslim and proud to be,so I only believe in 1 God who is Allah and I believe in the Holy Quran and in our Prophet Muhammad peace and prayer be upon him,I also believe that other holy books got unfortunately falsified.
Among many books have read the holy Quarn aswell, i remember that it was written that everybody who believes in God is technically a muslim as muslim means devoted to God.
Al-Tabiri (d.923) interpreted the word ‘Islam’ as meaning ‘submission to God’, a notion that can be collectively applied.
However, sadly, there are many people who call themselves christans, muslims and so on but they dont act like God wants us to act. They act against the obvious will of the almighty God while harming and mutilating innocent children on purpose, kill and poison innocent people, act ruthless in a devestating way out of greend and hungryness for power and so on. These people were distracted by satan and it is pathetic, but in the end God will judge them.
So while i was atheistic for a long time, i found my path to God on my own, by doing research, without beeing active in any community, this is one of the reasons why it makes no sense to count me to a "specific religion". There is only one religion, the submission to God the almighty, the creator of the earth and the heaven.
May he bless us all with his infinite love and power!