Very simple questions:
1. Who possesses patents for production of synthetic dioxide of Zirconium, from waste?
2. If patents belong to cofounders of your company - the request to provide:
- constituent documents of the company where there are these people
- references to patents (the description, authorship) to the official sources (not the scan of the copy) belonging to these people and corresponding to the subject "extraction of synthetic dioxide of Zirconium from waste"
3. If patents belong to scientists whose surnames constantly here flash, answer questions:
- references to these patents (description, authorship) to official sources (not the scan of the copy)
- on what basis these patents are transferred to your company for use on production which you is going to build for the means obtained on ICO?
Truth simple and correct questions?
You are not enough attentive.
Patents have been already discussed here.
You can google all these patents.
You demand "not the scan of the copy" when you even don't know, that now all such documents are available online.
It was already written here, that patent for this methodic of zirconium dioxide production is in process now.
It takes for 6-12 months to register it.
But you can have a look at other patents of team members.
For example this invention for Perepelytsyn and Merzlyakov.
It's in russian but there is form in english as well. It's invented methodic concerned another refractory material. As you see dates, process of registration takes about 1-2 years. For example, registration of this invention was started in 2014 and all process was finished in 2016 (you can see it there, all dates are written).
Vitaly Merzlyakov is a chemist by background, Vitaly is a developer of innovative technology in the refractory field and the Head of the Scientific and Production Center Tseolit. He is the holder of several patents. This only one of them. rights belong to OOO "Tseolit" (Oбщecтвo c oгpaничeннoй oтвeтcтвeннocтью Hayчнo-пpoизвoдcтвeнный цeнтp "Цeoлит"
(OOO HПЦ "Цeoлит") (RU)), Vitaly Merzlyakov is Head of this organisation.
His organisation has lots of inventions and patents.
Registration of patent for producing zirconium dioxide will be completed in several months.