I am also grateful to theymos for this post because this has been discussed in meta so many times that we needed the owner to express his views on it.
First of all, I think we would need a definition of what quality and spam are, because if we adopt a tough definition of spam, almost 100% of the Bitcoin Discussion Section would have to be deleted whereas if the definition was softer that wouldn’t be needed.
Then, here is what I think of Theymos’ proposals:
1. To attain ranks above Member, you'd have to earn some number of merit points. Merit points would be awarded in a monthly vote on best posts of the previous month, with various measures (TBD) to prevent gaming of the vote. Winning merit points might also come with a BTC prize.
The earning merit points part could work to some extent, but I disagree with the BTC part because that wouldn’t improve anything, rather you would be overpaying people who are already writing quality posts and getting paid a lot.
I mean, people getting those prices would be people in the Chip Mixture Campaign and Senior Members and above of “quality” (well-managed) campaigns, who are already quality posting and getting a lot of money for posting.
I think there is more than enough post quality on this forum, but the problem is one can barely see it because of all the trash. If you want post quality to shine you just need to get rid of the trash. I don’t think most shitposters are going to improve their quality no matter what measures are taken, like giving a prize. Some may do, but most of them won’t even be able to do it even if they try. See all the uneducated people from third-world countries signing up every day on this forum in the hope that they are going to be able to make a living from it by posting one-liners. Do you think they are going to improve their quality posts? I don’t think so.
So, instead of hoping that shitposters are going to improve their quality by giving them prices, we must find a solution for getting rid of shitposters.
2. Create or designate some sections as "serious discussion" sections, with no signatures. In those sections or maybe in different ones, also have poster restrictions such as Member rank or above only. And/or allow topic-creators to set these restrictions on their topics, similar to selfmod topics.
It seems a good idea at first sight, I’ve seen senior sections on other forums, not because of the so-called quality but for other reasons. What I don’t see is what will happen afterwards: I mean, if that section is created you will get the Bitcoin Discussion quality section will few posts and few replies and you would still have the current Bitcoin Discussion section, which wouldn’t have been improved.
Another problem I see here is that if signatures are disallowed, do you think many people are going to post on that section? I mean, think, for example, of people in the Chip Mixer campaign, who have to make an effort to write 50 weekly quality posts and are getting paid 0,0375 (weekly), which is around $700 (almost 3000$ monthly). Do you think they are going to post a lot there? I don’t see it.
These are my thoughts on Theymos’ proposals, I see if I come up with ideas for improving quality but without a definition I think it will be difficult because as we have discussed other times on this section, my idea of spam differs than most people here, so I’ve seen many people saying that the entire Bitcoin Discussion section should be trashed and I don’t agree with that.
P.S: I was re-reading this post and I have to say that I strongly agree with the following proposals by hilariousetc:
Punishing lazy campaigns and their managers would go a long way or just blacklisting their signatures would help (which is what was meant to happen with the Signature Guidelines thread). It can't be acceptable for campaigns to do nothing about spam at all and if they started having their accounts banned and/or threads trashed they'd soon get the idea. I also don't think it would be a bad idea charging ICOs a fee to make their Announcements here or to run a signature campaign as it's these lazy crapcoin campaigns that are causing the most headaches and 99% of spam and staff workload and they should have to compensate for that. The forum loses revenue every time someone chooses to run a signature campaign over bidding on forum ad slots and the worst thing is staff have to clean up their mess for free whilst they rake in millions.