Out of this project, for now, got 600 DNA waited for the validation of the whole week and have sync it daily so that when the times comes for validation I only have few blocks to sync, but today after upgrading my nodes not getting any peers, I missed the validation now and until now it's not syncing although I have a good connection, this is one issue that should be addressed if devs wants to see positive reviews and movement of adoption.
It does look like a problem I was describing before. Only explanation now is you didn't update the node to 0.16.2 and the client to most up to date version. For me problems seem to be resolved now, I mean let's wait till next validation, to be sure, but so far everything that was relating to network propagation of data, looks quite optimistic and extremely accelerated with this new updates.
Give it one more chance, just like I did.
How do you guys feel about recent flips? I got the feeling they are getting more and more ridiculous, they are starting to deviate from key words much more, are people loosing creativity? I suspect they do, because I feel like I myself getting less imaginative with them.
Key words I got seem virtually uncontactable at times, this my be a future problem. I think that people with more than 10 epochs behind them should be required to only do the long session. Otherwise pool of ideas will get depleted and quality will go to shits.
Still cheering for Idena but lack of involvement of dev in this thread is something I don't like