As a Bangladeshi I have a dream cherished inside my heart, but in reality it is not possible to realize my dream. My house is located near a popular bridge in Bangladesh and on both sides of the bridge there are parks and sightseeing spots for travelers. My father has organized a food hotel next to that sightseeing spot. I sometimes spend some time in that hotel between studies. I've been nursing a dream for as long as I've been on Bitcoin forums. If Bitcoin was legalized in Bangladesh, I would take a payment system through Bitcoin with a pizza restaurant.
But my dreams will remain dreams because Bitcoin will never be legalized by the government in my country.
That's just a matter of time, you should not be fooled by the current dilemma that makes your dreams in Palu and no longer developed.
You only need to wait for the leader of your country who is open with technological innovation and financial system, I think at this time you only need to be patient waiting and increase knowledge in the world of blockchain and bitcoin so that you understand the advantages and disadvantages which you then develop to be better to use bitcoin in the region You.
As it is in El Salvador, without having a leader who has an open it will be difficult to adopt the latest technology, which then only thinks that are classified as old -fashioned, in this case it also needs the courage to take risks that might have a significant impact on the financial order in your country if it is if Forcibly use Bitcoin as a means of payment.
I agree, even if there are some nations which banned it for the time being, that doesn't mean that it will stay banned forever, I think it could be unbanned and legalized in the future. Laws are not set on stones, they are things that can be changed, and with every new government the laws could be changed, in fact in my nation the ruling part once put something in law and then took it out, literally took out the thing they put in in the first place because people disliked it.
This is why I believe that we couldn't really do anything that would be too detrimental towards crypto if we just waited for them and wrote to them. Keep writing to your congressman, and say that your town could benefit from crypto being abled, and could bring in so much more tax income that could help the government as well.