That not even an achievement. What i have seen in all my time is that coins with no active development and advancement die. coins without purpose die. Coins without direction die.
DGC is dying because it has 70 nodes. When i mined it along with worldcoin and the rest from that period, they had THOUSANDS of nodes. Interest is fading and once interest in an existing coin fades beyond a dies.
No, coins that lose their communities and have nobody running the network die. Right now DGC is very much alive, quiet, but alive. We still have plenty of people mining, and we've always kept a higher position on Cryptsy and BTC38, which is saying something for a coin that hasn't been as 'successfully manipulated' as coins like DRK.
I got the 70 nodes figure from here:!network (click on 'Geo-location'), according to this there are more people running DGC than prominent pump-n-dump coins. As of right now:
130 DGC clients36 DRK/DASH
54 Viacoin
51 Paycoin
83 BitBay
203 Blackcoin
Now if I'm misinterpreting this data someone please let me know, but looks to me like we're doing just fine.
Sorry, but "we don't want to go DRK way" is absolute bullshit
You, me and everyone else involved with DGC in any way, and specially by holding it, would kill for going DRK way. Going DRK way is all that matters in this industry and it's the single way for coin to prospect and be in people's minds with 1000+ other coins around. Volume, pumps, volume, more pumps, volume, price rise is the only way for coins to get any following, do you think so many mainstream companies would adapt Bitcoin if it was still 5$ a piece? It would my ass, nobody but oldtimers from that pweiod would know about it and there would be no marketing purposes of adapting it.
"We're doing it our own way silently in the background" is just a nothing marketing line translating to we're where we are and don't have idea what to do to go up from here. I understand that, I don't have idea too. DGC had it's chance being in first group of alt revolution but unfortunately Baritus screwed it a lot when it mattered most and some significant stuff is required to bring it back to the spotlight. It's shame, really shame, it's name only should make it to top 10 alts out there.
I don't want to base arguments on emotion alone but there's is a ton of negativity oozing from that post; I have no problem with DGC where it is, an honest, reliable market does not skyrocket, it is stable and predictable. DGC at a 100k market cap is absolutely fine, it allows anyone to buy in at an honest price point, which increases distribution and strengthens the economy. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if we went lower, seeing as only 'little guys' make up the market currently. I'd imagine the coffers of the community run up to a market cap of about 30-40k or so. The rest of the market cap is probably coming from china.
If you want to pump the coin, we'd need to consolidate all our holdings, keep them in a trusted escrow address, then contact a whale. I've actually considered this before but the distribution has just been too good over time, so oh shit, i guess we're stuck being honest. fuck us, right?? I'll repeat, there's nothing wrong with where we are now so long as people don't actually abandon the coin. If you're not happy with it, dump your 200k, I guarantee you someone will be there to buy it. Look at coins like WhiteCoin and LitecoinDark. They're languishing around at 100 satoshi levels. That's where DGC would have to go for any whales interested in accumulating a majority of the supply. (XWC is actually looking kinda frothy after having spent about a year sitting at 100 sats, might be time to buy in)
Frankly I'd prefer it if we'd increase the mint rate along with user adoption, to inhibit manipulation attempts. Seeing as we're already a very friendly coin, might as well go the extra mile.. just my opinion.
I will say that our market cap probably isn't going to swell anytime soon, but if we do dip below 50k there will be buyers waiting. Saying DGC is dead is just hasty and somewhat ignorant. We're young and there's plenty of time for things to move.
Also, as far as I'm concerned about baritus, *assuming* he did maliciously dump his PERSONAL holdings of 560k on the market in an effort to exit (march 8th on cryptsy if you want to look yourself), DGC was already on a strong downward trend, and every other coin similar to our stature has followed the same fate. I just get the feeling people attack him for their own lack of understanding of how these markets work. I lost out on DGC to, I also lost out on BTC buying too early. Blaming baritus for DGC's 'death' is short-sighted and overly dramatic, network integrity and coin price are separate matters. Then again I shouldn't really expect anything else out of Bitcointalk. If you'll do me the favor, I really don't want to talk about or defend the guy, only on the potential behind DGC which I feel still exists.