I have a friend who wins 15,000 pesos or $300 the first time keno games in an offline betting outlet, he is so happy and very ecstatic about his winnings, I congratulate him and ask him how long before he hit the jackpot, he told me that it took him 7 months and he is betting daily at 100 pesos or $3 so his losses are bigger than winnings.
But surprisingly he did not calculate his losses all he cares about is he finally wins, how about you do you remember your losses when you win a big amount and do you calculate your losses and ask if the winning is worth it?
This is one of the examples on the dilemma about gambling since what only matters are the winnings and not the losings. In gambling, it creates this illusion that someone may think that they are winning but in fact, are losing due to the accruements of money along the process.
What makes this more dangerous is that it places the individual on a pedestal thinking that they are actually lucky, which would only start the cycle of gambling.
Good topic, I don't think that most gamblers remember their losses to be honest (including me). All they think of is that they just won and that's what matter most for them. And I doubt that gamblers realised that or put their losses on paper so that they would know how much money they have lost so far.
Once gamblers start to know and account their losses, that will only be the time that their discipline will manifest. Rationalizing every win and disregarding your losses would be very dangerous especially in the long-run and streak of gambling.