
Topic: Immunogenuity - Increase your Immune System with Bio-Oxidation - NOW HIRING! (Read 1166 times)

copper member
Activity: 252
Merit: 6
Due to all the health related topics in this sub-forum, I decided to post this here.  I own and run the company Immunogenuity.  I have been a member of this forum since 2013 (Legendary status) and have been an avid user of bitcoin and crypto.  Many of you would probably know me if I used my other account.  I have created this account for usage by the company, and I may in the future reveal my original bitcointalk account.  We will see.

I started researching bio-oxidation years ago and have started a company to help others learn about and use bio-oxidative supplements in their own lives.  I have recently brought my bio-oxidative product, Immunoxy, to market, and I am looking for sales representatives to advertise and sell.  I'm paying in bitcoin or USD.  If you are interested, please feel free to message me.

Here are some of the powers of bio-oxidation:

Immunogenuity - Powers of Bio-Oxidation

"Bio-oxidative supplementation has the ability to oxidize almost any physiologic or pathologic substance, in addition to producing increased tissue and cellular oxygen tensions, which has been shown to provide therapeutic value.  In tests on individuals presenting viral influenza, symptoms and duration was reduced by a factor of eight when using bio-oxidative methods.

It is theorized that bio-oxidative supplementation stimulates the immune system; in particular, via the production of anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal chemicals produced by the leukocytes (white blood cells).  This increased immune response in addition to creating an oxygen rich environment in the body is what potentially causes the restoration of a healthy state.  Almost all viruses and bacteria are anaerobic, which means that they cannot live in an environment with a high level of oxygen.  The idea behind bio-oxidative supplementation is to flood the body with oxygen, which is a highly energetic oxidizer, so that it can oxidize viruses, bacteria, and toxins.  When the additional oxygen destroys them via oxidation, the body can harmlessly rid itself of these problematic invaders.

Bio-oxidative supplementation also reduces inflammation.  Inflammation is caused by a lack of oxygen which causes the body to send extra amounts of fluid to the area of injury or disease.  By increasing the amount of oxygen in your body fluids, the damaged area requires less fluid transfer due to the fact that its oxygen requirements are satisfied by less, more highly oxygenated fluid.  Thus, reducing the need for the body to flood the inflamed area to meet its oxygenation requirement for healing.  It is thought that this method of action regulates the effects of cytokine storms and other auto-immune responses."

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.  Let me know if you are interested in bio-oxidation, would like a job, or have any other questions.

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This is really interesting, however, I still think that this is not the right platform to discuss, ofcourse you can still just go online and find health forums.
Activity: 2268
Merit: 18706
That is exactly what I said.  You need to work on your comprehension.
Creating something is not the same as releasing something which already exists, but I'm happy to gloss over that since you clearly do not understand scientific terminology.

Please name the reactions involved.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Oxygen can be derived from other chemical reactions in the body brought about by the introduction of other chemicals.
That's not what you said, but I'll let you away with it since you are clearly having to make this up as you go along. Anyway, which reactions specifically is your product involved in? Name them.

Furthermore, I am not inclined to provide you with any studies
You can't provide a single piece of evidence. Loud and clear.

That is exactly what I said.  You need to work on your comprehension.
Activity: 2268
Merit: 18706
Oxygen can be derived from other chemical reactions in the body brought about by the introduction of other chemicals.
That's not what you said, but I'll let you away with it since you are clearly having to make this up as you go along. Anyway, which reactions specifically is your product involved in? Name them.

Furthermore, I am not inclined to provide you with any studies
You can't provide a single piece of evidence. Loud and clear.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
You assume that all the oxygen received is derived from the solution taken when in fact the solutions elicits a bio-chemical response which itself creates oxygen in the body.
Creates oxygen? Lmfao. So your product is not only a miracle cure, but also generates nucleosynthesis, hitherto only seen in the core of stars and supernovae, in your stomach to actually create oxygen. Or maybe it violates the laws of thermodynamics altogether and just "creates" oxygen out of nothing!? Amazing!

@o_e_l_e_o  haven't you heard of the memory of water?

It is very easy, water evaporates, makes young white clouds (clouds are so high up, that their is a lot of oxygen and the water can learn everything about it), later, when the clouds  have learned evrything, they become blacks, they precipitate into "rain", water falls  (and at the same time is able to double-check what it learned on the way up).
Boom, now you have water that knows how to "create" oxygen, and it will keep that memory.

Put it on a bottle, add some stuff, and magical cure that creates oxygen in the body!
just to be clear : i'm joking

It is unfortunate that some ridicule and disparage what they do not understand.  It is a simple fact that certain compounds when ingested elicit a bio-chemical reaction from which one of the byproducts is additional free oxygen which was once bonded to another compound residual in the body.

There are two types of people... Those who "think" they have complete comprehension of a subject matter and ridicule anything which they believe is incredulous, and those who "know" that they do not understand everything because the subject matter is so vast.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1693
You assume that all the oxygen received is derived from the solution taken when in fact the solutions elicits a bio-chemical response which itself creates oxygen in the body.
Creates oxygen? Lmfao. So your product is not only a miracle cure, but also generates nucleosynthesis, hitherto only seen in the core of stars and supernovae, in your stomach to actually create oxygen. Or maybe it violates the laws of thermodynamics altogether and just "creates" oxygen out of nothing!? Amazing!

@o_e_l_e_o  haven't you heard of the memory of water?

It is very easy, water evaporates, makes young white clouds (clouds are so high up, that their is a lot of oxygen and the water can learn everything about it), later, when the clouds  have learned evrything, they become blacks, they precipitate into "rain", water falls  (and at the same time is able to double-check what it learned on the way up).
Boom, now you have water that knows how to "create" oxygen, and it will keep that memory.

Put it on a bottle, add some stuff, and magical cure that creates oxygen in the body!
just to be clear : i'm joking
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
in our opinion
At least you are starting to admit your nonsense is all opinion and zero facts.

There is no greater truth than results.
Agreed, which is why I've asked you thirteen times (?? - I've lost count) to provide evidence of said results. If the results are so overwhelming as you claim, why can't you provide a link to a SINGLE study or trial? Maybe because you're a scammer?

Very little in science is hard proven fact.  Almost everything is a hypothesis and an assumption until there is irrefutable evidence supporting it.  Even then, said "facts" have been routinely overturned by new discoveries when they are brought to light.  You seem to be fiercely clinging on to the assumption that hypoxia is the result of disease.  The reality of the situation is that the state of hypoxia creates an underlying condition in the body which allows certain diseases to flourish.  I'm not claiming it is the cause as you are stating.  The cause of course is a foreign pathogen which is able to take root in the compromised host.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
You assume that all the oxygen received is derived from the solution taken when in fact the solutions elicits a bio-chemical response which itself creates oxygen in the body.
Creates oxygen? Lmfao. So your product is not only a miracle cure, but also generates nucleosynthesis, hitherto only seen in the core of stars and supernovae, in your stomach to actually create oxygen. Or maybe it violates the laws of thermodynamics altogether and just "creates" oxygen out of nothing!? Amazing!

Several studies have been done
Several studies. Lots of studies. Plenty of studies. SO MANY STUDIES. Yet you can't name a single one.

A German doctor treated him with bio-oxidation methods to reduce his dementia and Alzheimer's.  I never said it was cancer.
So he received conventional medical treatment for his cancer and was cured, but received your bio-oxidation bullshit for his Alzheimer's, which was listed as a complicating factor in his death. So you agree your bullshit didn't work?

The fact of the matter is that many, many researchers, scientists, and doctors believe in the benefits of bio-oxidative because they have seen the results.
Here you go again. Several researchers. Lots of scientists. SO MANY DOCTORS. And yet, you still can't provide A SINGLE piece of evidence.

You are woefully misinformed, and intentionally trying to mislead people.  Oxygen can be derived from other chemical reactions in the body brought about by the introduction of other chemicals.  It is possible, but I don't believe you are that ignorant to believe that I am claiming that oxygen is spontaneously synthesized out of the ether.  Additionally, no one claimed that it is a "cure".  It would be disingenuous to claim such because everyone has different bio-chemical reactions to substances.  The body is a complex organism.

Furthermore, I am not inclined to provide you with any studies because you will cherry pick through them and intentionally misrepresent their findings.  If you are so inclined, it is very easy to find such studies yourself especially if you are a researcher and have access to medical studies.

It was worth the government flying in the said German doctor from West Germany to Reagan's California ranch every week to treat him.  This has been recorded and is documented.  The reason it wasn't publicized was because they wanted to keep his dementia and Alzheimer's hidden from the general public.  The West German doctor was only allowed into the country to treat Reagan and no one else due to this fact.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
"creates" oxygen out of nothing

Forget cancer, call Elon Musk and let him know that his Mars colonization project just got a lot easier.

I have experienced the benefits of bio-oxidation myself and used Immunoxy on my family members.  I would not be doing that if I was concerned about its safety or if I thought it was not beneficial.  Others have used Immunoxy also, and they have experienced good results.  I would not market and sell something which had unsubstantiated benefits or was no better than a placebo.  There are some who will continue to refute the benefits of bio-oxidation, but I will let the product speak for itself.  There is no greater truth than results.

You should offer double money back guarantee then.
Activity: 2268
Merit: 18706
in our opinion
At least you are starting to admit your nonsense is all opinion and zero facts.

There is no greater truth than results.
Agreed, which is why I've asked you thirteen times (?? - I've lost count) to provide evidence of said results. If the results are so overwhelming as you claim, why can't you provide a link to a SINGLE study or trial? Maybe because you're a scammer?
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
There are of course some cancers which are not caused by hypoxia and can be attributed to exposure to harmful substances (radiological or otherwise).  The mass majority of the cancers caused by the modern day cancer epidemic is, in our opinion, caused by the state of hypoxia in the body.  Of course, bio-oxidation, is NOT a cure.  They body is a complex organism and everyone has different bio-chemical responses.

I have experienced the benefits of bio-oxidation myself and used Immunoxy on my family members.  I would not be doing that if I was concerned about its safety or if I thought it was not beneficial.  Others have used Immunoxy also, and they have experienced good results.  I would not market and sell something which had unsubstantiated benefits or was no better than a placebo.  There are some who will continue to refute the benefits of bio-oxidation, but I will let the product speak for itself.  There is no greater truth than results.
Activity: 2268
Merit: 18706
You assume that all the oxygen received is derived from the solution taken when in fact the solutions elicits a bio-chemical response which itself creates oxygen in the body.
Creates oxygen? Lmfao. So your product is not only a miracle cure, but also generates nucleosynthesis, hitherto only seen in the core of stars and supernovae, in your stomach to actually create oxygen. Or maybe it violates the laws of thermodynamics altogether and just "creates" oxygen out of nothing!? Amazing!

Several studies have been done
Several studies. Lots of studies. Plenty of studies. SO MANY STUDIES. Yet you can't name a single one.

A German doctor treated him with bio-oxidation methods to reduce his dementia and Alzheimer's.  I never said it was cancer.
So he received conventional medical treatment for his cancer and was cured, but received your bio-oxidation bullshit for his Alzheimer's, which was listed as a complicating factor in his death. So you agree your bullshit didn't work?

The fact of the matter is that many, many researchers, scientists, and doctors believe in the benefits of bio-oxidative because they have seen the results.
Here you go again. Several researchers. Lots of scientists. SO MANY DOCTORS. And yet, you still can't provide A SINGLE piece of evidence.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
What you are arguing is the standard rebuttal
Just lol. It's the standard rebuttal because it's based on facts.

The chicken or the egg scenario is what you are using to refute it.  Is it the cause or the effect.
It's the effect. For I think the ninth time, please provide some evidence to support your bullshit.

No one said that ALL cancers are caused by an acidic environment.  Nice strawman argument.
Here is a direct quote from your website:
The term "bio-oxidation" has been used by many researchers and scientists after Warburg.
Then you will have no problems I'm sure producing links to their research. Roll Eyes

A German doctor even treated the US president Ronald Reagan with bio-oxidation methods with proven results.
What are you even talking about? Ronald Reagan had a right hemicolectomy to remove his bowel cancer, and several small operations to remove skin cancer from this nose.

Immunoxy is a supplement (not a medicine or cure) which boosts the oxygen level in your body.
Let's assume for a second:

Any of the diseases listed on your website are caused by low oxygen (they aren't)
Giving more oxygen will treat any of those diseases (it won't)
Consuming your product will increase blood levels of oxygen (it won't)
Your product produces dissociates in to oxygen with 100% efficiency (it doesn't)

Even assuming all that bullshit, let's just look at some elementary school math. Your website says to take 10 drops of liquid. 10 drops of liquid is half a milliliter. 0.5 ml of oxygen at best. If you take a deep breath, you take in an additional 2500mls of air on average, for a total of around 500mls of oxygen. So I can get a thousand times more oxygen from taking one deep breath than your bullshit product could deliver.

Please keep arguing though. Your continued ignorance of even the most basic science is making a stronger argument against this scam than I ever could.

You are incorrect on many fronts... You assume that all the oxygen received is derived from the solution taken when in fact the solutions elicits a bio-chemical response which itself creates oxygen in the body.  Therefore, you cannot deduce the amount of oxygen created in the overall system based of the oxygen added via the solution.

You claim that hypoxia is the "result" of the disease when many scientists and researchers would argue with that point.  Several studies have been done, which you could easily find if you were interested, that assert that it is the CAUSE and back it up by in vivo and in vitro tests.  It was the elementary conclusion of this fact which Warburg received his Noble prize.  Your argument is the standard rebuttal by certain industry groups which do not profit off bio-oxidation.

You are unaware of certain procedures that Ronald Reagan underwent.  A German doctor treated him with bio-oxidation methods to reduce his dementia and Alzheimer's.  I never said it was cancer.

Your problem is that you make too many assumptions that are not grounded in fact, and therefore, your conclusions are fallacious.  When you do this, you intentionally or unintentionally mislead others.  If you are not interested in bio-oxidative methods and choose not to accept scientific conclusions then simply refrain from posting in this thread.  The fact of the matter is that many, many researchers, scientists, and doctors believe in the benefits of bio-oxidative because they have seen the results.  I have had several individuals who are doctors and researchers contact me (some from this thread) because they are interested in bio-oxidation and believe in its efficacy.
Activity: 2268
Merit: 18706
What you are arguing is the standard rebuttal
Just lol. It's the standard rebuttal because it's based on facts.

The chicken or the egg scenario is what you are using to refute it.  Is it the cause or the effect.
It's the effect. For I think the ninth time, please provide some evidence to support your bullshit.

No one said that ALL cancers are caused by an acidic environment.  Nice strawman argument.
Here is a direct quote from your website:
The term "bio-oxidation" has been used by many researchers and scientists after Warburg.
Then you will have no problems I'm sure producing links to their research. Roll Eyes

A German doctor even treated the US president Ronald Reagan with bio-oxidation methods with proven results.
What are you even talking about? Ronald Reagan had a right hemicolectomy to remove his bowel cancer, and several small operations to remove skin cancer from this nose.

Immunoxy is a supplement (not a medicine or cure) which boosts the oxygen level in your body.
Let's assume for a second:

Any of the diseases listed on your website are caused by low oxygen (they aren't)
Giving more oxygen will treat any of those diseases (it won't)
Consuming your product will increase blood levels of oxygen (it won't)
Your product produces dissociates in to oxygen with 100% efficiency (it doesn't)

Even assuming all that bullshit, let's just look at some elementary school math. Your website says to take 10 drops of liquid. 10 drops of liquid is half a milliliter. 0.5 ml of oxygen at best. If you take a deep breath, you take in an additional 2500mls of air on average, for a total of around 500mls of oxygen. So I can get a thousand times more oxygen from taking one deep breath than your bullshit product could deliver.

Please keep arguing though. Your continued ignorance of even the most basic science is making a stronger argument against this scam than I ever could.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
I'll release my double-blind placebo studies once the drug companies release theirs for all their vaccines.
So you've got no proof. Got it.

There have been numerous studies done on bio-oxidation, and Otto Warburg even received a Noble Prize for his work in the field.
Numerous studies, yet you can't link a single one. Hilarious.

Do yourself a favor and actually read my website before you jump to conclusions.
I have read your website. It is one of the stupidest things I have ever read in my life.

Otto Warburg categorically did not receive a Noble Prize for anything to do with "bio-oxidation", a term which is not mentioned anywhere in his work, or the medical literature, and is made up pseudo-scientific nonsense. The fact that some cancers (not all) exist in an acidic environment is because they predominantly generate energy through glycolysis, and not via the Krebs cycle. The acidic, low oxygen environment seen in some cancers is a by-product of this process, and not the cause. Changing the environment does absolutely nothing to treat the cancer, and indeed, even in high oxygen environments these cancer cells continue to utilize glycolysis and not oxidation to generate energy.

I write this mainly for the benefit of other people who might be reading this, as I realize you will not understand the majority of the above paragraph. I know you thought that a bitcoin forum would be an easy place to peddle your scam and you wouldn't actually have to defend it, but since it is clear you haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about, you should probably just peddle this obvious nonsense elsewhere.

What you are arguing is the standard rebuttal to bio-oxidative treatments put forth by "industry skeptics" with a vested interest to suppress immune boosting supplements.  The chicken or the egg scenario is what you are using to refute it.  Is it the cause or the effect.  No one said that ALL cancers are caused by an acidic environment.  Nice strawman argument.  Most are the result of hypoxia which was clearly demonstrated by Warburg in his many studies and texts on the subject plus research done in later years.  The term "bio-oxidation" has been used by many researchers and scientists after Warburg.  The fact that you are unaware of this is telling that you are uninformed on the subject.

Many doctors in Europe and America have treated cancers with alkaline boosting substances some injected directly into the tumour with great success.  A German doctor even treated the US president Ronald Reagan with bio-oxidation methods with proven results.

It is unfortunate that you resort to smears and name-calling when you cannot back up your claims with hard science and verifiable fact.  You fabricate lies to mislead others and obscure the truth with your personal opinion.  You are either not very intelligent, very misled, or both.  Please refrain from continuing to post in this thread.  You obviously aren't interested in hard science and just want to suppress freedom of expression and science.
Activity: 2268
Merit: 18706
I'll release my double-blind placebo studies once the drug companies release theirs for all their vaccines.
So you've got no proof. Got it.

There have been numerous studies done on bio-oxidation, and Otto Warburg even received a Noble Prize for his work in the field.
Numerous studies, yet you can't link a single one. Hilarious.

Do yourself a favor and actually read my website before you jump to conclusions.
I have read your website. It is one of the stupidest things I have ever read in my life.

Otto Warburg categorically did not receive a Noble Prize for anything to do with "bio-oxidation", a term which is not mentioned anywhere in his work, or the medical literature, and is made up pseudo-scientific nonsense. The fact that some cancers (not all) exist in an acidic environment is because they predominantly generate energy through glycolysis, and not via the Krebs cycle. The acidic, low oxygen environment seen in some cancers is a by-product of this process, and not the cause. Changing the environment does absolutely nothing to treat the cancer, and indeed, even in high oxygen environments these cancer cells continue to utilize glycolysis and not oxidation to generate energy.

I write this mainly for the benefit of other people who might be reading this, as I realize you will not understand the majority of the above paragraph. I know you thought that a bitcoin forum would be an easy place to peddle your scam and you wouldn't actually have to defend it, but since it is clear you haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about, you should probably just peddle this obvious nonsense elsewhere.
sr. member
Activity: 2338
Merit: 365
whether this drug has been proven effective in increasing immunity?...
where I can see testimonials from this cure?  then what is the age limit for using this medicine, can children under 10 years can use it?
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Actual experience on the street beats "qualifications" any day.
Ahahaha, this says it all. They specifically don't want anyone with any medical or scientific qualifications because they know such a person will immediately see through this pseudo-scientific quackery.

On the contrary, I would prefer to hire people with science background because they are better suited to understand the product.

The research proves it.
It will be trivially easy for you to share links to the randomized, double blind control studies then.

I'll release my double-blind placebo studies once the drug companies release theirs for all their vaccines.  There have been numerous studies done on bio-oxidation, and Otto Warburg even received a Noble Prize for his work in the field.

Please refrain from misleading people because you yourself do not understand or are ignorant of the facts.  Do yourself a favor and actually read my website before you jump to conclusions.
Activity: 2268
Merit: 18706
The research proves it.
It will be trivially easy for you to share links to the randomized, double blind control studies then.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Bio-oxidation is not quackery.
Prove it.

The research proves it.  I'm sorry that you are so uninformed.
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