Due to all the health related topics in this sub-forum, I decided to post this here. I own and run the company
Immunogenuity. I have been a member of this forum since 2013 (Legendary status) and have been an avid user of bitcoin and crypto. Many of you would probably know me if I used my other account. I have created this account for usage by the company, and I may in the future reveal my original bitcointalk account. We will see.
I started researching bio-oxidation years ago and have started a company to help others learn about and use bio-oxidative supplements in their own lives. I have recently brought my bio-oxidative product, Immunoxy, to market, and I am looking for sales representatives to advertise and sell. I'm paying in bitcoin or USD. If you are interested, please feel free to message me.
Here are some of the powers of bio-oxidation:
Immunogenuity - Powers of Bio-Oxidation"Bio-oxidative supplementation has the ability to oxidize almost any physiologic or pathologic substance, in addition to producing increased tissue and cellular oxygen tensions, which has been shown to provide therapeutic value. In tests on individuals presenting viral influenza, symptoms and duration was reduced by a factor of eight when using bio-oxidative methods.
It is theorized that bio-oxidative supplementation stimulates the immune system; in particular, via the production of anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal chemicals produced by the leukocytes (white blood cells). This increased immune response in addition to creating an oxygen rich environment in the body is what potentially causes the restoration of a healthy state. Almost all viruses and bacteria are anaerobic, which means that they cannot live in an environment with a high level of oxygen. The idea behind bio-oxidative supplementation is to flood the body with oxygen, which is a highly energetic oxidizer, so that it can oxidize viruses, bacteria, and toxins. When the additional oxygen destroys them via oxidation, the body can harmlessly rid itself of these problematic invaders.
Bio-oxidative supplementation also reduces inflammation. Inflammation is caused by a lack of oxygen which causes the body to send extra amounts of fluid to the area of injury or disease. By increasing the amount of oxygen in your body fluids, the damaged area requires less fluid transfer due to the fact that its oxygen requirements are satisfied by less, more highly oxygenated fluid. Thus, reducing the need for the body to flood the inflamed area to meet its oxygenation requirement for healing. It is thought that this method of action regulates the effects of cytokine storms and other auto-immune responses."
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Let me know if you are interested in bio-oxidation, would like a job, or have any other questions.
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