fees are up for me it seems, a month of free trading is done. just one thing, i noticed, if i want to buy 1 BTC, it says approx to get .99. well i would prefer if you rather charge me for 1.01 BTc and add it to the inr cost. or you can collect fees in only INR both ways. why are you collecting fees in BTC. just a thought.
We did want to go down this path, but it seems to be a complicated route to take to funnel all fees into INR itself.
Example: You have a bid for 1 BTC, how do we know how much fees to deduct before the trade executes? In the event that it is a partial trade, we would need to do fee reversals, after the transaction is completed.
Not sure if any other algorithmic trading exchange does this, but if they do, do let me know and I can study/ implement what they have done.