Bitstamp charges fees in dollars only, as far as i can tell. You can look up bitstamp, you can look up Btcxindia. They all seem less complicated than coinsecure.
Yes les complicated because of the lack of documentation and verification processes there, but with sites like Coinsecure and (other similar exchanges) it is far easier for people do daily deals. That is once its setup. Off course I understand your frustration as you are a reputed LBC seller its hard for you to see other exchanges spring up and eat away at your trades
I dont understand what lack of documentation and verification process has to do with maths. I am no programmer and i do not understand what all goes into creating whatever any of the exchanges have running in their back end, but as an end user, and someone paying for their services i need to be comfortable and like their user interface, and as far as coinsecure is concerned they have been very receptive to suggestions, hence i brought it to their notice, that i don't particularly like what they are offering at this moment. It is completely upto them to change it, if they like.
One of the reasons, millibits was not successful i feel was it was too complicated, with regards to fees and placing orders, although the interface was very basic and i loved the simplicity of it.
And i love the fact that more and more exchanges are coming up. It is better for the bitcoin economy in India, and i dont know if you have noticed but the prices have very steadily been trending closer to the more recognised exchange prices abroad, which is very good for an Indian trying to buy bitcoins.
On a side note, all the exchanges in india should get together and promote bitcoins, and their uses, much more than what is happening right now. There doesnt seem to be much excitement these days.
Oh, and i am pretty happy with my trading volume
thank you for your concern.