I’m just assuming so and hoping that they deliver (after my e-mail), Austrian style.
An email I just received about>>>
Dear Mr. xxxxxxxx
We are pleased about your interest in our beautiful postage stamps and the other interesting articles of the Österreichische Post AG, Sammler-Service.
The Crypto Stamp in its physical form is available only in black. The other colors are only available in digital form - this color will only be visible if you scan the stamp's QR code.
Unfortunately it is not possible to order the different colors.
I'm kind of confused by this How are people selling the physical colored stamps then on ebay? Or are the ones they are selling just simply black but then when you scan them, it shows that they are a certain color? Interesting.
All the physical stamps are black....its when you scan them you will find out the true Digital color. Look at the number on the far right and place here https://crypto.post.at/asset
So when they sell on ebay they know the digital color without having to scratch the covering to reveal any priv keys.
very well.
Now the issue is: those who shop at onlineshop.post.at come to you from random colors?
thats what I think.