Bener kata member yang diatas, semua campaign jadi terasa rendah banget bayarannya setelah ikut campaign pay rate gede.
Spectrocoin menurut ane pay ratenya rendah banget dan udah rendah rulesnya banyak banget lagi
Signature has to placed at designated space and worn all time of the round.
Participants should not have negative trust.
If your status changes during a campaign you will be paid by status you have been enrolled.
You should use SpectroCoin avatar.
You should not use other site's avatar.
All posts have to be constructive and longer than 30 symbols atleast.
Disqualified posts:
Any signature campaig thread.
Off-topic and altcoin boards
Games & rounds and the investor-based games boards
Micro Earnings board
Politics & Society
"Stake your Bitcoin address" thread in meta
masih mending ane di 1XBIT yang ngebayar post lokal, bayarannya juga lumayan besar
spectracoin campaignya agak unik, setiap minggu akan di update peserta baru
aturan nya juga agak berat, tapi rate nya kecil, contoh lah rate nya full member cuma 20k satoshi/post maximal 40 post ya dapatnya cuma 800k satoshi