ratenya bagus juga gan :
User Ranks and Payments:
- Full Members - 0.025 BTC per week
- Senior Members - 0.03 BTC per week
- Hero & Legendary Members - 0.04BTC per week
- You will need to make at least 25 constructive posts per week - (Preferably in altcoin sections (mining/announcements) )
- You will not have any negative feedback on your profile
- You need to be at least Full Member
- You need to make at least 1 post in official thread
- You must post in English
- Posts in any campaign thread, promotions or giveaways do no count
- The campaign runner reserves the right to refuse payment at his discretion.
Breaking these rules will lead to disqualification from getting payment:
- Changing our signature
- Receiving negative feedback
- Not making enough posts
- Making not constructive posts, or posts that are less than 20 words
- Having more than one account in this campaign
- If we see that you've posted on the last few days before payday, you wont be paid
kalau benaran open signature campaign dan bayar rate nya cukup bagus banget
tapi dengan exchanger yang mungkin sedikit agak kurang, dengan rate yang begitu besar kurang meyakinkan
tapi ane mau coba daftar, tapi postingan akun ane juga masih amburadul
Bisa di pastikan sepertinya akan banyak partisipan signature campaign Qtum yang berakhir minggu ini akan beralih
ke signature campaign ini gan, karena rate nya lumayan tinggi, pembayarannya pun membayar dengan Bitcoin.