Reading through the miner log file, the A9 reads the config file in /etc/cgminer.conf to load all the config settings
The A9 has 3 cards, it seems default PLL clock speed is set to 1250MHz and Voltage is set to 166 (not sure what that actually is in volts, maybe 1.66V?) .
Anyways, we need to edit that .conf file to contain the parameters we want instead...currently it looks like this for me:
"pools": [
"url": "stratum+tcp://....",
"user": "....",
"pass": "x"
"api-listen": true,
"api-port": "4028",
"api-allow": "R:0/0,W:",
"T1performance": true
I think we can do this edit the file to do say something like this to increase PLL to 1300, and Voltage to 175...(WARNING: i dont know if these work or what happens when you do this):
"pools": [
"url": "stratum+tcp://....",
"user": "....",
"pass": "x"
"api-listen": true,
"api-port": "4028",
"api-allow": "R:0/0,W:",
"noauto": true,
"T1Pll": 1300,
"T2Pll": 1300,
"T3Pll": 1300,
"T1VID": 175,
"T2VID": 175,
"T3VID": 175,
"A1Fanspd": 30,
"A1Fanmode": 1
Not sure if Fanmode needs to be 0 or 1 here...
Also, you can edit the api-allow ip address to include your local host if you want to use Awesome Miner software now!
anyone want to try and report back?
EDIT:: seems this is a read only file system?? i guess we will need to run the cgminer command directly?