Now well known BTU shills accuse Bitcoin community in shilling
are you fucking stupid? read the Title of this site - BITCOINtalk not unlimited of other china shit talk
forum is BITCOIN... not CORE talk
bitcoin is more diverse then just core. if you think only core=bitcoin then you have got cabin fever
It's you (and other btu shills) not me are crazy about core and contantly writing unproven shit about it. and who has cabin fever?
pigeon holing me as a btu shill is like pigeon holing me as a classic shill last year and a xt shill before then and whatever core was pointing fingers at before then..
whats next
oh wait, let me guess it wont be a implementation brand but a mining group brand or even a country..
(obvious reddit script repeats)
when will the core cabin fever sufferers realise that there is a whole large economy of many bitcoin implementations that are all diverse. and its not a core vs one brand.
but a bitcoin community vs blockstream(core) centralist control cabin
think outside the 4 corners of your blockstream(core) mindset and start thinking about bitcoin as a whole and you will see it.
by the way core was only around in 2013. core did not invent bitcoin.
i know your friends are desperate for control so by pretending blockstream(core) already have control they can think they can fool the community too.. but all they are doing is fooling themselves
remember its only core throwing the ban hammers, PoW nukes, blackmailing deadlines and user fee discount bribes.. and even then core cannot get unanimous domination..
core need to realise bitcoin is much bigger than their cabin. and that diversity, decentralisation ethos of bitcoin mean much more than cores closed and controlled ethos