Team info added to the announcement:
Meet Team Intercoin
Rudy Kessels
Rudy is our main investor and co-owner.
He joined our company in december last year and has been occupied with user safety since.
Wigle van der Meulen
Wigle is our web developer and co-owner.
Wigle is building where we will sell Bitcoin, Intercoin and other altcoins. He joined us in februari 2017.
Ab Ahammad
Ab is one of the co-founders of Intercoin and BCDS bv Holland.
He has been actively involved in cryptocurrency since 2013. Ab is responsible for marketing strategies and R&D.
Nick Schapendonk
Nick is one of the co-founders of Intercoin and BCDS bv Holland.
He has been actively involved in cryptocurrency since 2015. Nick is responsable for all PR related topics and sales.