Bringing Real Value To Cryptocurrency
Intercoin is a new digital currency built on the Ethereum network.
Intercoin will be backed by physical gold and a number of various assets.
Intercoin will mainly be sold at
www.intercoin.eu but will also be added to different trading platforms.
Www.intercoin.eu was launched on the 1st of januari 2018.
Www.intercoin.eu will also be a safe and convenient salespoint for other cryptocurrencies.
Our main mission will be to get Intercoin accepted in stores and webshops worldwide.
The team consists of 5 developers and is located in The Netherlands.
Meet Team Intercoin
Rudy Kessels
Rudy is our main investor and co-owner of BCDS BV.
He joined our company in december last year and has been occupied with market development, innovation, user friendlyness and safety.
Wigle van der Meulen
Wigle is our web developer and co-owner of BCDS BV.
He has joined us in Februari 2017 and has built our own cryptocurrency. He is currently building Intercoin.eu, the webshop and
more in the future.
Ab Ahammad
Ab is one of the co-founders of BCDS BV.
He has been actively involved in cryptocurrency since 2013 and will be responsible for marketing strategies and Research and Development.
Nick Schapendonk
Nick is one of the co-founders of BCDS BV.
He has been actively involved in cryptocurrency since 2015. Nick is responsable for all Public Relations related topics, sales and consultancy.
Didi Taihuttu
Didi is our communication director and co-owner of BCDS BV.
He has joined us in november 2017 and has actively been involved in cryptocurrency since 2011.
Check out our white paper
Add Intercoin to your Ethereum wallet
Press "Add custom token"
Fill the fields of Intercoin
Address: 0x466459796aa497651d556362eaea3c807c1d2fee
Token Symbol: INTC
Decimals: 18
To add Intercoin to etherdelta, go to the topleft coinmenu, scroll all the way down and click "other". Here you can enter the same values as "My Ether Wallet"
Add Intercoins to Eidoo
Download and install from the appstore Eidoo on your Smartphone
Make shure you make a proper backup for your Eidoo wallet
Go to preferences and choose Force token enrollment
Paste our token address: 0x466459796aa497651d556362eaea3c807c1d2fee
You can now send and receive Intercoins.
Ethereum ERC 20 based token
Acronym: INTC
Total coins premined: 195.000.000
The Backing protocol wil start in Q2 2018
There will be various bounties announced in this thread
Windows Wallet (under construction)
Linux wallet (under construction)
Mac/OSX Wallet (under construction)
Android Wallet (under construction)
200 Intercoins will be rewarded for a translation of this announcement.
These translations are already reserved:
Indonesian (dome)
French (done)
Japanese (Done)
Russian (Done)
Suggestions for other languages are very welcome
The pre-investors period will start october 1st 2017 until december 31st 2017.
For purchase in this period send a private message, or mail us at [email protected], to join our other early investors The pre-investors period is over, the fixed price will be €0,50 until we hit the exchanges