Because hes chinese? (killthelion) Chinese isnt used to pay and patiently wait. He and NGZ are fellow chinese in the same country where telephone cost nothing. Expecting to speak over the phone rather email isnt extreme.
Only u guys are used to being treated like dirt and now see that treatment as standard.
I dont see anything wrong with killthelion. Infact he wasnt being rude in anyway. NGZ on the other hand, acts like asshole. My bet is NGZ rather have oversea customers.
Anyway, by seeing this chat log you can clearly see another character of NGZ. Funny how he makes money by selling tools to miners.
I'm in the same country as Russell Crowe. Does that mean I should have his phone number so I can talk to him when I buy pre-order tickets to his next movie?
Like it or not, it's
not usual for customers to have access to the non-customer service staff in most businesses. Avalon was never really intended to be a retail-type vendor marketing their product to get sales and providing direct customer service. They're not trying to get as many sales as possible and gain market dominance - that's never been their vision.
You don't get to talk to the designers and the engineers when you buy a car - not even when you buy a fleet of cars. You sure as hell don't get to talk to the design teams or upper management when you buy an Apple product.
Personally, I'm often amazed at the sense of entitlement to the ins and outs of a duck's ass being displayed by ASIC purchasers in general. I accept that sense of entitlement stems from them feeling like they've been made unwilling investors in the various ASIC projects, but again - you don't get unfettered access to the design team or management at Apple just because you're a shareholder.
We've already seen a lot of Bitcoin enterprises reduce their interaction with this community and focus on providing support to their customers through other means. As long as this community behaves like entitled, whiny brats, I see no reason why any Bitcoin enterprise should regard these forums as the best way to interact with their present or potential customers.