I've made a .cfg that scrapes bitclockers' web page instead of JSON, you can use this if you want. Just got home and wrote this, haven't tested it but I think it's good. I'll post it here then add it to the archive as well:
;BitClockers Web scrape
HashEx1=Hash Rate:\s*\d+\.?\d*\s*Gh/s
SharesEx1=Shares This Round:[ ,0-9]+
Edit2: Also we need to get polmine back working. There are many ways we could do this, but i think the easiest would be to go here:
https://polmine.pl/?action=statistics and use the current round duration to instigate a hop to the pool. When to hop away would be another story. . .
I'll have to think of a not so complicated system that could handle parsing different kinds of round time formats. Hopping off isn't a problem, the point would be somewhat less accurate because it depends on hash rate, I don't think anything can be done about that though. The average theoretical round duration in seconds for a miner (or pool) is this:
T(H) = 2^32 * diff/H
where H is the hash rate in hashes/s
So as long as the parsed round duration is less than 0.43 * T(H) you're in the optimal period. This isn't as accurate as share-based hopping because the hash rate fluctuates and is averaged out, but I think it should be good enough to not cause any significant efficiency decrease.