regardless if its immoral or not, people do it lol
its called capitalism and those who can get away with it will do it over again.
Insider trading might be immoral but it is definately not illegal in all markets. Bitcoin and altcoin markets are not regulated and can thus not be under normal regulation regarding insider trading.
And because of that, some people who have some solid connections to the exchanges do this, generating themselves huge profits. I would admit that if I have that some kind of connection, I would sometimes do it for the sake of profit. Not being greedy or evil, but just being practical.
There is no obligation whatsoever to not do it. You actually make the markets more efficient by doing it. "invisible hand" kind of thing
Hahah, definitely not an "invisible hand" kind of thing, but that's pretty funny.
What kind of inside information? There's no "news" to be on the inside of for any of these coins. This is just price manipulation. If create PossumCoin I can do whatever I want to the price to satisfy whatever motive I want. It's definitely a shitty move on my part, and not likely to lead to PossumCoin success but criminal activity is always possible.
The only guaranteed way to get a return is to invest in yourself.