If you are investing now, consider your investment for at least a 2-3 years period. Don't go for a short term.
You say you did a little business using BTC. Maybe you should just stick to it and consider it as a new opportunity to attract new customers (and so to grow your biz) it could turn into something more profitable than speculating..
That is how the early stages of a bull market usually feels. This is how it felt in 2015 and 2016 during the slow climb up, along with intermittent bursts, from $150 to $1000. There was no "reason" for the run up in late 2015, it just happened. The wave of new users that generated the euphoric run up to 20k and created a scenario where it felt like adoption was driving the whole thing didn't really start until early 2017 after we had returned to the previous ATH.
People moving into the market now are investors who recognize that now is the time to accumulate, they aren't retail adopters. Many of these investors are even people who have been in the space for a long time but reduced their exposure during the bear market and are now comfortable retaking positions. The market is moving up because it oversold and there simply isn't enough supply (people who are selling) to match the demand so the price has moved up to find liquidity. The 5-7k range is where there is sufficient liquidity, and it is perfectly reasonable to expect we will remain in this range for quite awhile until anticipation of the next halvening---and the dramatic reduction of supply that comes with it---pushes us up toward 14k and beyond. This isn't to suggest that we can't retest the $4200 range similar to how we had a final pullback in 2015---I'm not expecting this, but if we do I expect a very swift reversal simply because there are a lot of long term bulls that were hoping for lower prices and are now getting very nervous. They will jump at first opportunity to cut their losses.
In other words, for the next year, or even two, the bull market is not going to feel like the excitement of 2017. It isn't going to feel like a massive wave of new interest and adoption is driving it. Nevertheless, it will be a bull run. The road from here back to 20k is likely going to feel very much like it has, a slow grind with consistent development, infrastructure building, regulatory clarity, etc., with a backdrop of humility and uncertainty carried over from the trauma of 2018. But after we have reached that ATH, a flood of new adopters will rush in, a new paradigm will be proclaimed, the magic will return, and it will feel like the way you imagine it should.