The question is about expectation. Do you expect bitcoin to drop in value over a given time period?
You are completely missing the point. I have no clear opinion right now as to where the market will go.
A bank is not designed to succeed or fail based on some underlying single volatile market rate. It exists to raise money from depositors, keep it safe and make profits from providing services and by earning a spread (interest margin) between where they borrow and where they lend. It is when banks went away from this type of retail banking and into making huges bets on markets that most of the banking crisis started.
If this business was being promoted as 'invest in a giant bet on bitcoin' I'd have no problem and it's still likely that many would believe that story and invest accordingly. If everyone is investing with that full understanding then fine. However this is being promoted as a bank, offering safe euro-linked deposits to it's customers. This is simply not true, eitther the customers or the shareholders are taking that risk and both will understand which it is in time.