So according to his family, he was drunk? It has nothing to do with the man being a gambler then. Is it not common to see in the news people doing something crazy either in the casino, in the park, building or it could be in any place? Drunk people have the tendency to do something irresponsible and being a gambler is not a pre-requisite.
Actually, most professional gamblers are not fond of getting drunk in a casino otherwise they cannot focus and will keep on losing money. I visited a popular and world-class casino twice and I seldom saw people drinking liquor heavily.
you are right , for me though, I stopped drinking alcohol like 10, 11 months now, but even when I was still into taking alcohol, I hardly drink while playing a game because the intoxication causes me to lose focus and sense of direction, even when playing a free card game with my friends, we usually have alcohol around for those interested to take so as to increase the fun or so, i hardly take it for the same reason I've mentioned.
But then, I still go out most of the time, like when visiting a casino , I still find some people who are drinking and playing at the same time, and still , they are able to coup very well, some will even tell you that without the drink, they hardly can concentrate and win the game , that only points to one thing, and that is the fact that the human brain operates differently, that is our individual brains have different capacities, and also, how a person has trained his or her brain to behave also plays a crucial role in the things that brain can handle, like some people started drinking alcohol way back from their childhood, for such people, their brain used to that, and don't be surprised, they can do anything, even under the influence of alcohol.