
Topic: Is anyone following the Israel & Palestine Situation. - page 29. (Read 42653 times)

hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 500
Activity: 1890
Merit: 1102
Free Free Palestine
Are you kidding me, like your ancestors didn't kill tens of thousands of native american Indians to claim land as their own. Fuck off!

This is true; both people in Europe and in settler colonial societies often forget that much of their progress was gained at the expense of exploiting others for their work, resources, land and lives. But we can't fall into the fallacy of assuming that because these nations did it, that is somehow acceptable and others should do it too; it was always wrong.

We (Israel) stole nothing. This is the promised land and was ours before anyone else's.

If anything rag on me because I'm Canadian and we stole the land we occupy today but not because I believe Israel has the right to defend themselves.

who promised it to you you fucken brainwashed itiot?

You obviously know nothing. I'll stop responding to you now.

If you want answers ask google!

Viva La Israel.


your openly claiming to have SMOKED people, as in what the fuck does that make you feel cool that you killed people for your own cause.
A person who was probably take revenge for one of your friends who raped his daughter ?

Its funny how you arrogance makes you believe that you have the right to say, do or act in any way that you feel.

Death to HAMAS Huh I agree with you on that But death to all those israeli soldiers who are killing innocent kids as we speak just out of spite.
Return you the promised land, lets not go there buddy there is a reason why Hitler did what he did and no one can justify that.

Is the Mosad paying you for this ??

VUAL agreed with the Mosad coming half way across the world to kill anyone they like as i was in the hotel in Dubai when they murdered that Palestinian guy. I am sure you must have heard about that James bond mission they pulled but were stupid enough to show their faces to the Camera.
Actually i was in that exact same hotel room for my friends bachelor party 5 days before the murder happened.
Nobody is safe from people like these. Dont waste your time convincing a fool that he is not.
He will probably end up convincing you otherwise.

And VUAL I would like to nominate you as the charity holder.
please provide us a with a BTC address where we can deposit and raise more funds


hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 500
just look at youtube they are brainwashed you cant educate them...
there a lost cause...
goto feel bad for them
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1000
Making money since I was in the womb! @emc2whale
These are the FACTS !!!
Explain this Huh

Complete FUD.

Palestine does not exist. Its gaza and the west bank!

hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 500
bob... bob.. bob.....
your children are embarrassing....


hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 500
Are you kidding me, like your ancestors didn't kill tens of thousands of native american Indians to claim land as their own. Fuck off!

This is true; both people in Europe and in settler colonial societies often forget that much of their progress was gained at the expense of exploiting others for their work, resources, land and lives. But we can't fall into the fallacy of assuming that because these nations did it, that is somehow acceptable and others should do it too; it was always wrong.

We (Israel) stole nothing. This is the promised land and was ours before anyone else's.

If anything rag on me because I'm Canadian and we stole the land we occupy today but not because I believe Israel has the right to defend themselves.

who promised it to you you fucken brainwashed itiot?

You obviously know nothing. I'll stop responding to you now.

If you want answers ask google!

Viva La Israel.


your a fucken braindead terroist i pitty the fool.
btw isreal is a myth, fairy dust... not real... a illusion...
its called palliation incase you where not taught that in school like the rest of the world...
your fighting for fairy dust...
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1000
Making money since I was in the womb! @emc2whale
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1000
Making money since I was in the womb! @emc2whale
Are you kidding me, like your ancestors didn't kill tens of thousands of native american Indians to claim land as their own. Fuck off!

This is true; both people in Europe and in settler colonial societies often forget that much of their progress was gained at the expense of exploiting others for their work, resources, land and lives. But we can't fall into the fallacy of assuming that because these nations did it, that is somehow acceptable and others should do it too; it was always wrong.

We (Israel) stole nothing. This is the promised land and was ours before anyone else's.

If anything rag on me because I'm Canadian and we stole the land we occupy today but not because I believe Israel has the right to defend themselves.

who promised it to you you fucken brainwashed itiot?

You obviously know nothing. I'll stop responding to you now.

If you want answers ask google!

Viva La Israel.


hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 500
if i invaded your country and taught my children it was mine so they grow up head fucked like you would you attack me ??

My question only has 2 possible answers.

Yes or No!


I don't argue with idots i find they tend to beat one with experience....
What i do do is make idiots look like uneducated fools in public.
hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 500
Are you kidding me, like your ancestors didn't kill tens of thousands of native american Indians to claim land as their own. Fuck off!

This is true; both people in Europe and in settler colonial societies often forget that much of their progress was gained at the expense of exploiting others for their work, resources, land and lives. But we can't fall into the fallacy of assuming that because these nations did it, that is somehow acceptable and others should do it too; it was always wrong.

We (Israel) stole nothing. This is the promised land and was ours before anyone else's.

If anything rag on me because I'm Canadian and we stole the land we occupy today but not because I believe Israel has the right to defend themselves.

who promised it to you you fucken brainwashed itiot... your god??? your fucken messiah??
now your beliefs are more important then anyone elses??....
now your going to tell me your religion is more important then mine, yet look at what enlightenment your religion has given you....
only reason you are a jew is for material possessions just then you proved it how embarrassing what enlightenment you have , how close to god you are....

thats the problem with radicals of any domination all fucken bigots...
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1000
Making money since I was in the womb! @emc2whale
if i invaded your country and taught my children it was mine so they grow up head fucked like you would you attack me ??

My question only has 2 possible answers.

Yes or No!

hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 500
if i invaded your country and taught my children it was mine so they grow up head fucked like you would you attack me ??
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1000
Making money since I was in the womb! @emc2whale
im not even american you pretentious jew

If I had a knife, and you had a gun, and I attacked you.

Would you shoot me?
hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 500
im not even american you pretentious jew
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1000
Making money since I was in the womb! @emc2whale
Are you kidding me, like your ancestors didn't kill tens of thousands of native american Indians to claim land as their own. Fuck off!

This is true; both people in Europe and in settler colonial societies often forget that much of their progress was gained at the expense of exploiting others for their work, resources, land and lives. But we can't fall into the fallacy of assuming that because these nations did it, that is somehow acceptable and others should do it too; it was always wrong.

We (Israel) stole nothing. This is the promised land and was ours before anyone else's.

If anything rag on me because I'm Canadian and we stole the land we occupy today but not because I believe Israel has the right to defend themselves.
Activity: 2562
Merit: 1071
Are you kidding me, like your ancestors didn't kill tens of thousands of native american Indians to claim land as their own. Fuck off!

This is true; both people in Europe and in settler colonial societies often forget that much of their progress was gained at the expense of exploiting others for their work, resources, land and lives. But we can't fall into the fallacy of assuming that because these nations did it, that is somehow acceptable and others should do it too; it was always wrong.
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1000
Making money since I was in the womb! @emc2whale
I was born in Canada
..and raised ?

I smoked his ass!

You shot him dead ?

Whilst it may (or may not) have been necessary in the situation you were in, its not something I'd come onto an internet forum and brag about. Pray to God for forgiveness maybe, but not brag about.


Smoked his ass ?? just shows how much respect you have for the dead.

“It would be my greatest sadness to see Zionists do to Palestinian Arabs much of what Nazis did to Jews.”
― Albert Einstein

And dont forget Einstein was jewish by Religion and offered to be the president of Israel which he willingly refused as he knew where it would end.

I think you smoking ass and looking at the picture from one side is not helping the situation.
Have you realized how many times Israel has used covert agents to go into Palestine to Kill young kids, rape women and blow up mosques.
I know of experiences where Mosad agents have completed missions in Dubai, Pakistan, Afghanistan. You guys are not angels if that is what you are trying to portray

I have less then zero respect for a dog who kidnaps a girl, slices her back open to the point where she needed 100's of stitches and staples and then try's to shoot at me and my alef chet's

Fuck that. I'll smoke him again and 100 just like him. You obviously have no clue what it's like to be on the battle front and having to fight for your life.

Get out of here troll!
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1000
Making money since I was in the womb! @emc2whale
A little historical perspective wouldn't hurt here. When the British left the Israelites their new State,it had to fight to defend that bit of land from literally Day 1. It's fought so many wars and won against much better positioned opponents. It has mandatory conscription and each and every youth is taught to fight in the armed forces. While it is absolutely true Israel has been taking undue advantage by extending their borders into Palestine,if Hamas attack them with rockets,what else are they expecting? Killing civilians is abominable no doubt,but Israel has it's back against the wall. Consider this: An Israeli in Palestinian territory has absolutely no chance of getting out alive whereas Palestinians work in Israeli construction sites everyday. I don't condone Israeli atrocities on Palestinian citizens,I just see that their overall position leaves them no choice.

There was no Israel. It was Palestine, the land who took 70,000 refugees, who immigrated (most illegally) to escape death from World War ll. Israel is an ugly beast and you are a part of it. They shot people dead and took their homes.
Yeah, leaves them no choice but to kill civilians and kids? Nothing, no war can justify that. It's against everything humanity stands for. Maybe you've forgotten we live in the 21st century.
No matter what you say, a life is a life, you can't justify killing people because it's war. I wouldn't wish this cruelty even upon my enemies, but I just WISH to know how you'd feel if they killed your loved ones with no ounce of remorse, in front of your eyes and while you just stood and watched! Just because it's not happening to you, doesn't mean it's okay.

And nobody left Israel anything, they snatched it like little thieves.

It was Palestine? realy? who was the president of Palestine? what was its flag? anthem? currency?

Palestine is a myth like bigfoot!
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1000
Making money since I was in the womb! @emc2whale
There is a special place in hell for Zionists.......
That's what happens when you steal a entire country and own everything in the world....
Once a race that has been kicked out of every other country they have lived in and exiled (we all wonder why 0_o) ...........

If you are going to do what they did in the future be sure to do it in the right order, you need to own every media outlet known to man, next you must own all banks that loan to all governments, then you need to pay for and organize a war remember to sponsor both sides and don't forget to always profit out of chaos.... sit around with nowhere to go after the war your leaders organised and wait for the UN to go steal you a country from another community..... after the you need to have mass kosher tax from followers in all other country s but the one you stole to fund your future war crimes / squatting and nighttime house steal raid gangs....... and then finally you need to be able to get your grandma to cry on camera about things science has verified was impossible to happen, and remember we need a figurehead to blame for all this so don't forget to train someone up in England secretly with your zionist money, brainwash him then send him to germany to start work.....  

Following this guide, You to can steal your own country and support the biggest hoax known to man, become a zionist and force the UN into stealing a country for you to.

The idea to donate is good but lets face it the money will just end up in the terrorists hands otherwise they will label you as a "terrorist" if you don't comply or have another opinion or see the truth... mossad will just break all international laws and murder you in front of everyone in a airport...... for a country not even 50years old its amusing that they have a bigger army then USA isnt it...

Are you kidding me, like your ancestors didn't kill tens of thousands of native american Indians to claim land as their own. Fuck off!
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