If the jews would stop squatting on there land and making family's vanish in the middle of the night so they can claim there house furniture and all.... i bet the people who where living there long after they left would stop feeling so fucken treated....
Unfortunately history is written by the winners speculators die off and the enemy is converted, in a world wide war like this there is no winners the only winners are the bank.... and we all know who owns all the banks right.... so we all know who writes the history..
Amusingly will find a lot of hamas funding comes from the same shady charitures supporting zion for you cant sell your own rockets to someone who has no money.... its liquidity , its how the world works, profit is the drive for everything especially war......
really whats isreals main export anyway fucken spyware and uzi's only thing going for it is the kosher tax paid by every asshole ruthless cheating business man out there.
banking, r&d for major tech firms, diamonds, technology, advanced weaponry,pharmaceutical drugs, start ups. israel has a knowledge based economy.
land is won by conquest and nothing else, but according to your posts im gonna assume you wear a tin foil hat and think that theirs some big conspiracy.