A staggering $29+ billion market cap asset surely would have something in the financial market in the near future. Also, did you know that Australia would be completely allowing bitcoin to co-exist with AUD as a formal currency and could be used without additional taxes (formerly they impose double taxes for bitcoins) and that is one giant step towards mass adoption and economic boom for bitcoin
I don't think it is a giant step at all
But price will certainly rise, on hype arising on the basis of Australia "allowing bitcoin to co-exist with AUD as a formal currency". Countries that are by far more powerful economically don't have this "double taxation" since long ago (on the Bitcoin timescale), but we didn't see a lot of "mass adoption and economic boom for bitcoin" that should have followed the abolition of Bitcoin taxes there:
So Australia is unlikely to change anything in this regard (apart from usual hype and hysteria, of course)