I don't know if perhaps i'm overthinking this, but considering the evolution of money from the beginning of time where different things have served as a medium of exchange and now currently banknotes.
On same trend, we are slowly witnessing the evolution of money to crypto and i can't help but wonder if crypto is the final stage or there may perhaps be another revolutionary idea to replace crypto as money after crypto has been accepted.
What do you think?
Well, In as much as crypto looks like it will likely be the last evolution of money, I honestly do not think it will be the last, this is because, 30 years ago, we never thought there would one day be crypto which would want to replace paper money which was the dominant form of exchange back then, but here we are today, itz happening.
In the same vain, we are currently not thinking of anything that can or could possibly replace crypto in the future, but then the world is a crazy place, someone whom isn't even formed in his or her mother's womb yet, might be given birth to with a new fresh idea which might turn out phasing out crypto, so we never can really say never.