Their first launching is a failure with the wallet problems they have faced many investors lose opportunities to gain profits,if their second launch is a failure yes it will look like a scam.
The first launch was a failure due to hackers trying to break into the system. So they shut it down to make sure everything is safe.
The second launch happened two days ago. There were a few hiccups due to high server load, and some people are still struggling to access the site. But all this is happening in the name of safety. If you can't get into your own account yet, rest assured that NOBODY else is able to access your account and steal your coins.
I've successfully accessed my account, transferred some coins to Cryptopia, and sold them.
So no, not a scam.
No-on claimed responsibility for the first hack. Second time round they blamed Amazon, didn't even try to accept any responsibility themselves, it's always someone else's fault.
And no, this isn't helping 'noobs', there are some pretty important aspects of cryptocurrency that you all seem willing to ignore: private keys for your web wallet, who is validating the network and how many people still can't get into their accounts. And how come no-one has spoken up about the fact that in the help section there is just one article? Or how 'mobile mining', whenever that turns up, isn't actually mining at all.
It's no surprise you want it to be big as an investor but you really should think about these important questions rather than all-round defence.