Gambling addiction is process in which an individual cannot control their urge in gambling even when they tend to lose. They are willing to sacrifice their most valuable assets with the hope of winning. A story was told of a young man in my community who used his only son for gambling because he was so addicted that he can't do without gambling in a day. he can do anything when it comes to gambling. I also know people who are wealthy today through gambling. So, is it wrong to be too addicted to gambling? how can it be control or how can one manage gambling?
Is this really your question?
I ask you back: Do you think it's right for someone to have doubts about whether addiction is a good thing?
Anything in excess is bad for us, even water, you knew that.
For many years we have been discussing in this forum the harm of gambling when played irresponsibly and the disastrous consequences it causes in someone's life.
The problems are many and are not limited to just the financial problem. Some people ruin their jobs, lose their wives, girlfriends, children and even their entire family, others run away from home or commit robberies to support their addictions, not to mention people who have even committed suicide when they believed they could no longer recover their lives.
Gambling addiction, like any other type of addiction, is something very serious and harmful. Have no doubts about that.